Ok, i suppose it's long overdue for me to write about this band but I love this band... Hmm haha... I definitely love their slow songs, they're just awesome... I'm not too sure about buying all their albums yet because I don't quite like their faster songs as much BUTTTTTTTTT DAMN THIS BAND, when there IS a song that I like, the song is just ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!! I just love it to the max and think this band is like LOADED!! Absolutely BRilliant! Fantastic! Amazing! One of those songs that make you breathless!
anyway, here's a really sweet PV of their latest single... Natsu no Nioi (The Scent of Summer)... Amazing song too!
Here are the Lunkhead songs I totally love...
of course...
- Komorebi - My favvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv needless to say!
- Hakudaku
- Tsuki no Tenohira
- Natsu no Nioi
The ONE thing i HATEEE about liking this band is that I CAN'T UNDERSTAND JAPANESE. Unlike Plastic Tree, it's REALLY hard to find any sort of English material for this band. It's not just that but it's just frustrating cause i really want to know what they're singing and I can't even find the Kanji lyrics to the songs to translate!!! arghhhh >___< maybe it's cause i'm terrible at searching for stuff in Japanese.... sighhhh....
This is the Natsu no Nioi single. I think this picture of the girl in the yukata is simply so sweet and beautiful... don't you think??
cross-posted to http://purakisuki.exblog.jp
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