i hate to say this but...
nigel really makes me happy...
Was abit okay liao... by Wednesday... Since been a few days since i had chatted with him... And also, all our chats been realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly short, coz he's damn busy... so... out of sight (sorta), my heart also came to terms wid him liao...
Then i saw the whole day tuesday his nick on MSN was always away or busy... Then on Wednesday (sorta his Dday (3 major assignments due)) his MSN was whole day Away... but at least he was online...
NEWAYS... so then in d evening i saw him log off then when he logged on, he was not away anymore....
and then... like less than 1 hour later... i got an email reply!!!!!
damnnnnnnnnnnnnn made me super happy!!!!!
D other day too... on that monday.... he wasn't online at all the whole day and he had not replied my msgs on MSN for a few times that weekend... so my heart broken...
Thennnnnnnnn despite ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my friends' advice to NOTTTTTTT be so frank wid guys... i DID email him lor........ ask him where he was mahhh... THENNNNNN so happy he replied within 30 mins.... so niceeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~
damnnnnnnnnn happy in cloud nine again after that....
dude!!! YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE indeed!!!
but danggggggggggggggggggg... shud NOT be like that elaine!!! shite!
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