Well i don't think i understand my feelings... and i guess i really don't have to because it's only going to end up in heartbreak... I don't know what i wish for, but i guess i should just be happy with what i have.
And what it is, is that, i really like the times i got to spend with Ryota. Even if like last week, it was only really about Japanese...
But nevertheless... things that Ryota does that when i think about makes me happy...
1) When he smiles, when he really smiles and he's just sitting there against the chair.
2) how he writes down, conteng, (COMPULSIVE I TELL YOU!), things that are being said on the paper... he really does that. He keeps writing down parts of sentences of what we're talking, either in hiragana or in English. Like these:

He gave me the homework to find the Japanese names of the 12 constellations... And i got it right... then he drew a flower with a FLOWER POT and wrote Hanashimasu... and i'm like "what the hell is it with the flower?!" and he was like "it means very good"... and i'm like "whaa??". And he explained how in japan they put a circle for correct answers AND THEN, if you did REALLY WELL, the circle becomes a flower... and he said ALL his teachers did that!! ouhhhh man... and some also even drew flower pot. So he drew flower pot also!!!
Then i complained to him i drew such a nice picture of the aeroplane, airport, bullet train, electric train and subway but didn't get flower also... Then he was like "ouh yea!" and then he drew a flower there...
Then i was suppose to do a reading he wrote and after i read it he drew another flower...

There... Ryota's diagram of the aeroplane, airport, bullet train, electric train and subway.... Those were part of the vocab i am suppose to memorize in the chapter and so i was asking him to help me remember it and then he started DRAWING pulak!! *haihhhhhh* And then after he drew, he actually forgot the airport, so i told him he forgot then he drew the airport next to the bullet train and i was like "yo, your airport is in the sky" and he smiled with that smile again those type of smile that makes me smile when i think about it... Then i told him "it's really a 'sky port'!" cause the translation of the kanji for airport is sky port... and he laughed... hehehehe.
3) I like how he says "wakanai" with a laugh or a smile.
We were talking about relationships yesterday (Wednesday) and i was telling him about how i am with people and why i do the things that i do. Then i told him "so now u can observe me" and he said and wrote on the paper "i cannot observe you" then i asked him "WHYYYYYYYY???" then he wrote down big big "WAKANAI!!!!" and said it with a laughing smile... hehe.
4) As much as his handwriting is i tell u, REALLY HARD to read..... BAD LAH meaning, wuahahahah, i can't tell apart his hiragana "wa", "me", "a" and also "ko" and "i".
5) when he gets excited about things, when it's like a sudden japanese phrase that pops into his head and he quickly writes it out... and then he'll ATTEMPT to teach it to me cause 5 mins later, i won't remember...
Like today he SUDDENLY had an impulse to teach me what "present perfect" is in japanese and he drew this big DIAGRAM and put the japanese translation and expected me to rememeber!!! It's actually in the pic above.
6) I like it when he jokes around. Or when he jokes around with me.
There's alot of this that i can't really write all out cause it's indiscribable... Like we were talking alot abt relationships and all that on Wednesday and he was just joking around alot.. and he's just so wonderful then u know... And i told him "i've never been kissed" and he really got a kick out of that and wrote something in japanese and started laughing. and i was like "are you insulting me???" and he was like, "no i'm not... it's so cuteee." and i'm like "it's sad!!!" then he wrote and said, "it's not sad, it's sweet"... And well he said and wrote down that he thinks i'm sweet... then he also wrote down that i am crazy and weak cause i was telling him how i feel insecure sometimes... and he thinks i shud be stronger...
7) How he doesn't remember some japanese words sometimes and forgets stuff... geez and i'll be asking him "are u REALLY japanese????" hehehehe.. me so bad.... Like he forgot today "ninth" and "seven" which is "kokonoka" and "nanoka", he mixed them up and i was arguing with him... then he stopped, thought then said "yeah, you're right," hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
So yeah... i think why i like it when i spend time with him is cause he makes things fun. He makes it really fun... not just like with what he says but also what he does and how he acts and how he is you know... if he likes to write stuff down, draw pictures even if he can't draw well, how he smiles, how he laughs, how he forgets how to say "first" in japanese, how he don't remember the meaning for some kanji, how he tries to teach me, how he's patient, how he looks like he's interested in teaching, how he smiles u know... it's not like those beautiful smile that some cuties have wuahahhaha *eiji, hint hint*, but just his smile that's really sweet and encouraging...
Thou then ask me "what about EIJI THE CUTE GUY???!!!".... my answer is "that's why..." It's like... the guys i've liked or like think i have feelings for, it's always been me having liked them to begin with and then i become friends with them... But ryota is like, i don't have feelings for him you know, and the reason why i got to know him was also cause i approached HIS table with EIJI there and EIJI as my intended target... And the reason why i had been anxious to keep in touch with him was erm, a shitty intention to not wanna lose the one connection i had to Eiji...
Then... i got to spend some time with him and it's just his whole personality i guess... or just how he is that make things fun you know... i guess that's what you mean by congeniality, and i think that's awesome right?
still... he makes me happy and smile in that silly way with the things that he does like his drawing, his enthusiasm, his laugh, his smile... his heart.
and NO, it's not cause he's japanese. I may like things japanese but i am getting an overdose lately... Seriously, i am... Coupled with too much things japanese and simply you know, to just sit there and talk and learn from Ryota makes you feel connected person to person... makes you unconcious of racial and cultural boundaries. I think the one thing that Ryota did do was make me not concious that he's japanese and to make it you know, so what if it's talking with someone japanese? it's damn normal. He's a person like
I am a person like everyone's all the same inside...
Sure we're learning japanese and japanese or things japanese are what we usually talk about, but he could be German or Irish or Mongolian for all i care, you know... he's just incredibly fun to be with... seriously, i guess you just have to meet him maybe and sit down with him and start talking with him... and i guess... i don't know if it's my heart or he's just like that, it's just the things, the way he
is that really makes me smile...