Then remember how you felt after that knowing that you're giving up. Knowing that you weren't gonna ever be able to do this language again. Remember that. And remember how you didn't care what they said, you knew you wanted, you knew you just had to, you knew you just must.... remember that.
Think happy thoughts, it's not so bad, at least as hard as the class is with all the work, you are learning something, soo desu ne.
Anyway, here are pictures to cheer you up...
Hyde.... hyde is always good to look at ne.
He's cute ne. Makes me happy to see him cute. except i think that was what made me depressed too cause i was looking for hyde's pic and i have been wishing that Paul would call me. And it's worse seeing Hyde's pic here and there and seeing how cute he is, and remembering Paul and actually seeing Paul in some of the Hyde's pics cause seriously, Paul really manage to look 90% like this dude.
But cute right??? he's cute ne.
Kenshin and Kaoru in love. That makes me happy too. Really happy. I like it when Kenshin loves Kaoru cause she really loves him yo. yeah, makes me really happy. But it's hard to find pics of them together. Or at least nice pics of them together. My favourite romantic pairing. My second favourite pairing.
awww.... i love these pics! My FAVOURITE pairing. Not romantic k. that's sick. but hehe. i can go on dayssssss just talking about Sesshomaru and Rin. I love them. Sesshomaru DOES give a shit about Rin no matter what he says about hating humans. Whether he loves her or not, he probably will (later on in the series that we won't see cause it's never gonna be drawn and it's a speculation from current mode of things). In the last anime episode with Sesshomaru and Rin in it (ep 162), he actually did want to leave her with the humans because he probably thought it'd be better that way. But i think her cries did affect him and he did go save her. And at the last scene with them in it, you can see that Sesshomaru does care for Rin. I mean look at these pics even! You can see it! Actually, i guess you'll just have to see the series to actually see how much Sesshomaru has changed and how his actions and VOICE even is towards Rin from the episode she meets him, through all the episodes where he comes and gets her while she waits for him and all the episode he goes and rescues her even if it doesn't benefit him in any way, to the very last episode where like always he goes to rescue her immiediately when he finds out she's missing, and i guess, the last epsiode is hard to interprete unless you recognize and you're familliar with the usual Sesshomaru's demenure and how it's actually much more "affectionate" at the last scene with Rin. She's like his daugther, you know, someone he cares about and you can see that in his unexpressed expression that he really likes and is comfortable having her around. And for the once cold hearted demon that Sesshomaru once was (before Rin), Rin has really changed him, and jaken even, tremendously! I love Rin!
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