if that was my brother's life the last 6 months, i guess this is mine.
You know NOT to buy a laptop when...... You have 10,000 cables sticking out of it.... which i do. crap. I have to dock the laptop to connect the external keyboard ($10) cause the keyboard don't work no more. Then I have to connect the external CDR/DVD drive ($150) cause the DVD also don't work anymore. Then there's the external drive ($140/80gig) cause i ran out of space on the internal Hard Disk. Then there's my cellphone there on the DVD drive. TV in the background, radio behind the laptop and the fridge next to the TV. Yeap... that's my life. THIS is my life. Everyday. Docked on my bed 24/7, except when i'm in school... which actually, this semester, takes up alot of my time.
Happy labors day to you too.
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