Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i actually shud be more reflective of my gradutation huh? finally all done huh? all those years. and then coming here. the reason why i came here is finally done (unless CSUN withholds my cert!!!!!!!!). but still. huh.

i love america, i really do. I think i can still remember the first sensation, that morning waking up in Torrance at Aunt Mei's house, and the sunlight through the window and the wonderment of it all, to wake up and realize suddenly, it's all a dream come true... I still remember that feeling very clearly... and perhaps, i wish i could relive such dream once again...

You know, that moment when you board that plane, wether we knew it or not, it would be a moment that would change our life forever... Whether in the end of the three years and our time here we are to return home or to struggle on to stay here, it was the begining of an experience in our life that would completely change the way we are, whether it was apparent to us or not...

and i remember the mountains... probably the Sierras, and i remember the clouds nestling around the San Bernardinos, and I remember that was when i first fell in love. I remember the flat plains of the Great Central Valley... I don't remember seeing Los Angeles from the sky, but i definitely remember that very moment i took my first breath of the chilly air outside LAX Tom Bradley. And I remember the wind the blew by Redondo Beach and seeing everything in me, This was America, and I was already in love, and i didn't want to leave.

I loved that first day here you know. I wish so much i could relive that day over and over again... the Brand Newness to everything, the hope, the prospect, the dream, all lying before me... it was wonderful that feeling...

I don't think it's a feeling that will ever be duplicated ever again...

it was a serene takeover... one that i didn't feel a moment that jumped up and grabbed me, but one where I landed, and everything felt so right.

And well.... i guess this IS the ending of that journey... although i wish it not be...

I don't know. Life is life, you know.... and I'll leave it to God, as to what may come ahead of this... be this the end? I hope not. But we don't really know now do we?

South Bay.

yeah, besides Malibu, if i ever had a chance to live here, i'd definitely settle in South Bay purely for the reason that it was for me like the statue of liberty those migrants first saw when they reached new york at the turn of the century. Mine was South Bay. Sepulveda Blvd, Redondo Beach and the likes...


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