Well the past week has been interesting....
After the Tsubaki live on the day I arrived, I stayed in Kyoto for a night and left for Tokyo again on the morning of the 12th... It was pretty crazy to sit in a bus for 7 hours to Tokyo, but it was nice, considering that I got to see the view of the country :)
Akisan was kind enough to meet me at Shinjuku bus terminal so he can occompany me to Luis' hotel at the Hyatt Regency..... We kinda got lost on our way there ahahahaha...
It was great meeting up with Luis again!!! I also met his friends Robert and Audrey, Mikey, Brandon and Liz....
Hanging out with them was very different, it was like.... being in America!! Actually, Japan looked very different from an American perspective... I don't know how to explain it, but Japan just didn't feel like Japan... It felt very different and very Asian and very foreign, being around Luis and his friends and going around Tokyo with them...
Anyway, we went Karaoke at night! And Luis and I sang Blink's What's My Age Again? and New Found Glory's Hit or Miss... WOAH! Talk about NOSTALGIC!!!!
Anyway, we moved hotels the next day to....... somewhere in Miyako... Ahahaha I forgot!!!
Luis LEFT his bag on the train on the way to the hotel so I accompanied him to the station where he lost his stuff...... And WOAH! We got his stuff back!
And actually, knowing SOME BASIC BASIC BASIC Japanese on this trip has really really really been beneficial... I found it soooooooooo much easier to just go around and to buy things and all that.... Also, it really helped ALOT when Luis lost his stuff or when I got lost like I couldn't find the bus at Disneyland to Kyoto!!!!!
But seriously, I thought it was awesome I was able to communicate at least A LITTLE in Japanese this trip!!! WELL.... broken Japanese la.. But still, at least, I could just go "SUMMIMASEN, blah blah blah doko desu ka???"......
But after you open your mouth in English, suddenly the Japanese pours out in reply!!! And i usually can only understand 30 - 40% of their replies!! ahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Anyway, that afternoon, Luis' friend went to Disneyland while Luis and I went to POKEMON CENTER!!!!!!! We took a train to Hamamatsu Cho and visited the Pokemon Center.... Wth... ahahahaa
Then the next day on Monday, Luis, Robert and Audrey and I went to Disney Sea!!!
Ok, what the hell... Disney AGAIN... Wasn't Anaheim enough???
Anyway, we had great fun there and Luis lost his iPhone AGAIN!!! (he found it back tho!!!)... I still don't get why it's called Disney Sea though, I really thought it was going to be like San Diego Sea World or something, but it wasn't... It's exactly like a disney themepark, except... it has a river..... that's it...
Anyway... It was great to see Luis again... I've really missed him and it was really surreal we met in Japan and I really thank God for the chance to meet him here again, even though it was only for a two days... But, I'm really really happy we got to meet and hang out again! I've forgotten how fun it is to hang out with him!!!
Anyway, I had to leave Luis to get to Kyoto that night... and the staff at Disney was INCREDIBLY helpful... Somehow, the platform I was suppose to take the night bus to Kyoto from did NOT exist... They tried calling up various bus offices and even sent a staff to physically find the platform...
In the end after calling Cindy, I found the map and got to know the platform... They actually had a staff escort me to the platform so I wouldn't get lost!!!
Disney JAPAN rocks! lols...
Anyway, so I got to experience one of those long distance night buses, and left Tokyo for Kyoto once again...
While we were leaving Tokyo I couldn't help but feel "wow, such ease just going back to Kyoto like this..." As if I was such a seasoned traveller.... NOT!!!!! ahahaha...
So, at 2am I finally got to sleep, with the sounds of Tsuki to Tenohira playing softly....
We reached Kyoto at 5:20 AM.
Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=313685&id=903000264
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