Well, at least they got the pop-up, after all. And I'm damn happy about that. At least it's worth it? Yeah, I suppose it was worth it, then. Yes? No? It wasn't much anyway...
Btw... セカイイチ (Sekaiichi) is a damn good band. Isshiki-san's recommendation.
Was kinda not too into it before coz they're quite Indie Rock (if not entirely). Of course, I like Indie rock but I am definitely more of a guitar rock person.
But anyways, have been overlooping their song 「夏の終わり、」 (Natsu no Owari) as of late. DAMN GREAT SONG YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has a very soft, cheerful tone to the whole thing... (for a song named end of summer.... it's quite uplifting lol).
ANYWAYS!!! They're a good band. Check the song out.
Anyways it's quite amazing, Odaka-san has been posting a blog almost everyday since the beginning of this year, he's only missed like 3 or 4 days in the past 2 months. Is this his new year's resolution???? Coz it really seems like it! He did mention in one of the new year's post that he had wanted to post more last year because he wanted to record the events and the feelings but he always failed to do it and he hopes to do it more this year.... So kinda like a new year's resolution, no??? Coz it's really been almost EVERYDAY he has a post. Even if it's one line!!! "I'm tired after the live today, so see you tomorrow"... Wth...
夏の終わりに、- セカイイチ
side note on the pop-up:
Actually if ODK-san looked properly, the card is not really that well made yo. At least, I don't think so. It was helluva try tho, and it took ALOT ALOT ALOT of effort and care (for Elaine's standards or the lack thereof! hahahaha)...
Anyway, I used to much cellophane tape to tape down the legs of the layers, so when I glued the base to mounting board, there was too much air caused by the tape, and the base was not as firmly mounted as I would have liked it to be. Also, because of that, when the pop-up is opened, the stress of the layers begins to cause creases along the base. Damn I really hated that, coz it was ruining the whole damn pop-up.
Also, because this final version was a little different from the original prototype I had made, some of the layers (especially the hands of the "fans") were overlapping and therefore tearing at each other when you opened it. It was such a mess, I had to reinforce the vulnerable and most tear-able parts with small strips.
And because there are 4 layers to each side (and essentially 8 layers when you close the card), the layers were pushing each other down even more. I already had trouble trying to get the pop-up to actually pop-up 90 degrees, with the compounded pressure of layers pushing each other down (when closed), it was such a bitch trying to get the layers to come upright. Even in the end, I was totally dissatisfied with "Sou"'s side of the card. Because his figure was never in a 90 degree angle! All the pressure from being pressed down just made it impossible for it to rise 90 degrees when opened.
Aaaaaaaaaaa~~~ Sighhhhhhh.... Well... I tried my best, at the very least.... =(
I guess if the pop-up is made by you!
It's great!