Sunday, September 07, 2008

The Truth Is Eternal But With Lies

I hate to admit this but it's true, I'm very limited in the type of songs I like to listen to, and I often don't listen to anything other than the type of music I like to listen to.

I like rock songs. Soft rock, melodic rock, alternative rock and what-have-you-not, Brit-pop-ish kinds of songs I suppose, with droplets (and I mean DROPLETS) of Indie rock (too much indie kills). I liked so called "emo" too, and I once was totally in love with punk rock.

But I realized today that punk rock is so over for me these days.

Was downloading couple of Japanese punk rock band. It doesn't matter if we can hear what they're singing or not, because you can't really hear what's being sung in punk rock songs anyway haha, but anyway, totally, it's dead for me. It totally does NOT appeal to me anymore.
I was listening to part of some of these songs (before i stopped it), and I realized that, yeah, if only it was 7 years ago, back in those days I really liked NoFX, Useless ID and the likes and I was desperately looking for songs that sounds like them... But back then I couldn't find any....

And these days, when it totally doesn't appeal to me anymore, there're like LOADS of them out there- punk-rock.

Kinda tragic.

Oh, and on the other hand... while sometimes I do like indie rock......... dude, toooooooooooo much of it makes me really hate indie rock sometimes... I think one needs a good mix of solid rock songs and indie rock.... Too much indie becomes folk and you wonder why the heck it is "rock"? Hmmmm....

Then again, who died and made me a music critic?

Anyway, I'm trying to look for another Japanese band like Tsubaki. I hope I find them soon. Kinda getting too much of Tsubaki lately, too much, too much, need something else!!!

Anyway, this makes me wish i had paid more attention during my History of Rock 101 class back in Uni............ damn.


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