Anyway, Pulchrima-- the English word it was derived from is "Pulchritude". It is a noun meaning "beauty" or "the most beautiful".
Apparently, it was Ishikawa-san who discovered the word, and upon Odaka-san's insistence, the word was use as the Mini Album title... And the title track in the album is about the desire for a friend or lover from a past hometown, loving each other in a place far away, and parting at times..... I think... the Japanese is damn confusing, i can't totally understand.
Anyway.... was looking for pics today! So here are some I found!!!
ODK cute!......... DAMN CUTE! No????
ODK damn dishellved!!!!
Drunk with Yamashita-san.............. I REALLY don't wanna know...
Ishikawa-san looks so cute here~~~~!!!!!
MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! つばき!!! Tsubaki!!!! Isshiki-san at a radio show!! hehehehe
Anyway.... desires of the heart.... 私の心での1つの願望はランクヘッドのライブに行くことです。でも、そんな事が今年には出来ません。Sigh... I just can't go to Japan another time this year just for Lunkhead... it's not making sense anymore... As much as I love them and loveeeeee to be there, I think..... it's not something I should do.... Well, I love you, Lunkhead, but-- Sigh... what was the ONE AND ONLY ONE WORD I could and had said to Yoshitaro? 「ランクヘッドが好き」... I guess... it's just getting too unhealthy to feel that way these days.... グッド・バイ
ON another NOTE!!!!! I think Lunkhead fans are great!!!! Muahahahaha..... So I met someone from Hong Kong who frequently flies to Japan for Lunkhead live! And reading Japanese fans blogs, they all go through hell and high water, crawl to Niihama and such, religiously go for every Tokyo (and nearby areas) live! Muaahahahahahahahaha! It's good to know you're not crazy, it's normal!!! muahahahahaha... Crap... but this makes me wanna go there again even more!!! Blahhh~~~~~~!! NOOO ELAINE NOOOO!!!!
But anyway, so, I think it doesn't really matter if you're very famous, not so famous, or anything at all.... It'd be great for them to be famous, but as it is.... the important thing is that, there's a strong fan base that supports the band with all their hearts~ ^_^ THAT is the most important sign of a successful band, I believe.... And from the couple of Lunkhead fans I've come to know, it seems to be this way for Lunkhead~! As Ishikawa-san said during the 7/2 live in Shinjuku, "your and our power combined"-- ^_^
Here's Pulcherima... hmm!
oh yeah... I wanted to say too... Actually it's because of this song Pulcherima, that I made up my mind to go to Japan in December last year.
I remember I was driving in my car around October... I was really unsure if I should go to Japan AGAIN in December so soon... But I remember I was driving to college and then Pulcherima played on the radio... At that moment, it just uplifted me and I just made up my mind solidly and certainly made the decision to go to Japan. Thank you, プルケリマ...
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