1) Layout TOTALLY messes up on Firefox and Macs...
2) Urm.... the background and all is fix to 1024 x 650.... So, it'll be too large or small on any other size windows.... Basically, i only know how to design for it to look nice on my OWN comp hahahah!
3) SONG playing is Hutari by LUNKHEAD!!! (button is on the left to turn it off)
4) Blog title, i decided to take it from a quote by Yoshitaro during the Ebisu live on 9/12 when he said, "Owari janakutte, hajimari". Meaning, "it's not the end, it's the begining."... I thought to put this quote up since it's a Lunkhead layout, and alot of things are progressing for the band this year coming very soon. So i thought it's very appropriate for them!
Yay~! I realized, although I've liked Lunkhead for 1 1/2 years, I've never had a Lunkhead layout. So, here's a lunkhead layout!! With a widget counting down to the Best Album release on MARCH 5th!! yay~~~~!!! The picture is the cover of the album! yay!
Next layout i wanna put a playlist widget, calender widget and other widgets!!!... It's been a headache modifying this layout... ARGGGGG!! Blogger changed their layout but I didn't upgrade.... Also, i don't understand xml language, so i totally can't deal with other harder stuff!!!
Anyway, i was pre-editing the layout on another blog and it had these questionaires in it, so i went to look for a questionaire... So here it is:
1.What do you think of the most when you are alone?
iro iro... Usually about life or like Lunkhead and yoshitaro... and I talk to God...
2 . When it is a rainy night, what do you do most of the time?
The night is a night is a night... No diff if it's raining or not..
3 . When was the last time you were out?
3 Hours ago... for lunch with my bro.. Bak Kut Teh... at Centerpoint... We had a lenghty discussion on the life of Kurt Cobain, the impact of Nirvana, and the changing roles and landscape of music and its representation.
4. What do you do when you see a full moon?
hm. usually i'm really amazed and i think of Tsuki to Tenohira... haha. But yeah, usually I'm quite amazed.
5. Would you rather swim in the lake or dive in the ocean?
Maybe dive... I don't like lakes in general because of scary monsters.
6. What would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee?
Nice cake... Japanese made... Because theirs aren't too sweet.
7. If you'll ask yourself question now, what would it be?
Why the hell am i wasting my time doing this instead of revising for the Japanese placement test???
8. If certain everything in your life fall apart, what would you do?
These questions are phrased really weird, the grammar doesn't make sense...
Anyway back to the question, I'd cry and MOST LIKEY BITCHHHHHHHH like hell about it... Then feel depressed, then cry, then maybe ask God why.... maybe i'd blame God... then after i bitch more and think i'm gonna die, I'll feel better, then I'll listen to Lunkhead, then I'll try to look for a better way or something vague to hope in..
9 . Favourite month/s
HA. There are no seasons in malaysia so it's hard to say... Maybe Feb, since there are alot of holidays and the month is short haha... And the December too, since it's always a very nostalgic time of the year and celebrative too...
10. When your friends forget you, what will you do?
Urm.... I probably won't know.
11. Do you talk to urself?
Of course.
12. Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
Maybe for yoshitaro haha.
13. I or you?
14. Ever cried for something stupid?
Of course, of course.
15. Do you like anime?
16. How about Japanese music?
MOSTTTTTTTTTTT DEFINITELY! Hitorigoto is playing now~
17 . Your definition of sexy?
If you have it, flaunt it.
19. First thing you do after watching a movie?
Haaaaa...... <- literally... I take a deep breath. haha
20. Do you wash the dishes in your house?
Only when the maid is not around.
21. Can you last two days without a bath?
Of coz. I've just lasted three without. MUAHAHAHAHHAHA.
22. Most common words in your house.
hmmmmmm... we don't talk much with each other... So it has to be either "ELAINE!" or "ADRIAN!"... I think more often it's "ELAINE!"
23. The last lie you told your parents?
That i went to Church when I didn't... Probably.
25. Still go to the mall with your parents?
Yes, and dinners and movies too.
26. Are you brand conscious?
Totally not.
27. Ever fell in love?
No. But I am prone to delusions.
30. Is it in you to kill someone?
No. Actually, no.
31. Daydream a lot?
32. Happy with your life?
Hm. NO.
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