waaaaaa~~~ why are words formed like that in Japanese??? I don't understand the sentence structure!!!! whaaaaa??? It doesn't make sense!! waaaaaaaaaa~~~~ how can i ever understand him??? I'll never!!!!!! T________T
I mean even the line i like so much in Tsuki to Tenohira... "iro iro hanashitai koto ga aru..."-- why is hanashitai in the middle there? isn't it a verb?? What is it doing there?? Hanashitai seems to be modifying koto instead.... The sentence is translated as "there are various things I want to say"... But if hanashitai is modifying koto... then it's (various) things that i want to say, there are.... Hmm............. makes sense???
Maybe it's coz my English is bad too!! So I can't really comprehend the fuction of words to begin with and what modifies what and the type of word a word is!! aaaaaaaaaaa~~~
ODK <3
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