I forgot to mention, but I am making another needlework thingy for Akio again this year wuahahahhaha...
This time, it's cross stitch!
I'm making a pig motive and Akio's name in Hiragana. It's gonna be made into a small pillowcase! (don't ask me why pillowcase. But if not that, then what then???)
Dunno why but i felt like cross stitching lately... It's actually a great stress reliever...
So anyways, bought the directions and materials in atria on Sunday, been sewing all week!
I ran out of thread so i couldn't finish it tonite, but here it is so far!
I had to come up with the directions for the Hiragana "Akio"... It was abit hard... I'm satisfied with the "A" but I don't quite like the "ki" and I think the "o" is not round enough.... I'm gonna tidy up the stitch for "ki" but I think I'm gonna leave "o" as it is, since it does look like "o" just abit... not round enough haha.
Since it took me like 1 week to finish this and it's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY cheaper than knitting!!!!!.... I was thinking if i am enthusiastic enough, maybe I could stitch 1 for Tsuyoshi and Noah too................. errrrrrr... for Christmas... It'd be nice... Or maybe I should knit Noah a scarf... But i'd have to rebuy my needles since i lost it! dang!
I dunno... we'll see!!!!!!
It's kinda nice and great stress reliever!!!!!
HERE for the FIRST PROJECT AKIO: Knitted Scarf.
And yes, again, why Akio? Because I know he's the 1 person I can trust that if I made something and gave it to him, he would be happy to receive it... And he'd appreciate it and not spit on it or like get freaked out or whatever (well he hasn't so far, so lets hope not)...
Actually, Akio has never dissapointed me that way... Because no matter what, he always managed to see my intentions of doing what I do and not misunderstand it... He hasn't so far anyway...
Like the scarf, I actually asked him when i met him in Japan if he actually used it and he said he did!!!! hahahahahah.. REALLY??? My goshhhhh~~~ Considering that maybe, I myself might even think twice before wearing it out!! hahaha.
Also, when i was in Japan and i met Akio... He was telling Mayuko and I how he only ate 1 meal a day because he always came back too late to cook dinner and he was too tired.... And i wish i could take care of him lol!!! But anyway, i thought i'd buy him like a food gift card or something... But they didn't have those in Japan and the closest that they did have to gift cards was cash vouchers....
So anyway, I really wanted to get it for him, to ask him to use it to buy himself a meal or something... Coz too bad, i can't cook nething for him (even if I could... i don't think he should eat it!! haha). HOWEVER, Mayuko warned me against buying the cash vouchers coz she told me "it's okane yo!"... It's actually money. So giving it would be like giving money to Akio and she thought that's not appropriate.... and she said "he needs time to eat, not money to eat"
BUT ANYWAY! I bought it and asked Mayuko if she could post it to him for me. So i wrote a letter and sent the "money" to him...
A few weeks after I got back from Japan, I saw Akio online the first time in MONTHSSSSSSSSSSS and he messaged me and told me thank you very much for the gift and he said he is happy and he will use it to have a good meal soon!!!
So... well, that's why... I guess... for some reason, that way, Akio has understood me time and time again, and understood, you know, my intentions and I really thank him for that... for not misunderstanding what I intended to be something good...
Thank you, Akio =)
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