So what can i say except that my life has been revolving around college alot...
And what can i say except I'm really glad I got to know all of you, and really, you're what makes MCKL so great... It's a terrible place to work hahahaha... and I think it's tough but really, you know, all that is good about this job, all the good that came out of these past 6 months fiasco with teaching, is you-- you make these past month since January a wonderful and nostalgic memory to cherish in my heart... Thank you very much...
It's been abit weird sometimes, to be teacher, then friend (then Kuli huh!!!)... but I don't want to be your teacher (esp. u ppl in 0701 k!! hehe), because I rather us be friends...
It's been a wonderful experience to have been able to live the past months of my life with all of you in it, and to be enlighted by you, and for us all to be part of something together...
Yeah... sometimes I do feel old hahahahaha, but sometimes I feel lucky- And sometimes, I feels most natural to be with all of you... tho wei, i am damn old k?? >___<
So what happened huh?
Went out with Cw, Ken, Nigel and Kheng Li alot... Actually oddly, been able to get Ken and Nigel out quite abit.
We (cw and i wid ken and/or nigel and/or kheng li) went to lots of A&W. Went burger kings, pasar malam, went to eat tong sui, college, sungai wang/lowyatt, etc. Oh yeah, and KLIA with CW and Ken.

K.... so gotta put la Chee Woh's muka here hehehehe....
Hmm... i'm really glad i got to meet cw... too bad he's starting med school soon... But anyway...
I'm really glad I got to meet him because in many ways we're quite similar with each other. We like to go around aimlessly... and we like to eat stuff too... our personalities are quite similar (he's gonna kill me for mentioning that. "I'm NOT like kuli!!") haha... we love TBS!!!! (talk bullshit hahaha) and dare I say? TSUKI TO TENOHIRA! wuahahaha....
I don't know, but it's really rare to find someone who share same interests as you do, you know? And it's wonderful to find a friend like that... And so I'm really glad I got to meet chee woh and have a friend like him (DUDE, that said, i really hope we didn't screw up your A-Levels!! wuahahaha)
In July, I also had a BBQ party for the bunch and to celebrate Rachel, Ai Ping, Han Ming and Ken's birthdays... hehe...
Actually the point was that before the A-Levels exams ended cw and i went to c nigel after the first bbq/chocolate fountain party mom had... Coz nigel didn't go that time, so we thought we'd have another one after their exams.. So this one was it...
It was a really nice day (except for the whole Nigel's butterish strawberry pie cake concoction splattered around)... Nigel and Cw came over early so we could prepare for the party... So image la us three in the frigging kitchen trying to make stuff... MAYHEM ensues!! wuahahaha... So we tried beating whipped cream wuahahahaha... and overwhipped it into a buttery lump. but worry not!! Nigel was there who soon turned that buttery lump into this incredibly sickening and sticky strayberry butter whatever paste... oh man.... I think i can still smell it *urgh*
Anyways it was really nice la, all three of us playin around in the kitchen... Yanni (d maid) was really looking at us and like "wth??" hahaha...
It was a nice day, really memorable =)
Then during the party, Nigel and I prepared the "cakes" for the birthday people.. Yeah it was meant to pelt them with the pies... Unfortunately, some miscoordination ensued, Rachel got plasted by two pies, Han Ming got his fair share thanks to Chee Woh, and while Cheng Dar GRABBED and HELD ON TIGHT to ken, i took d thing and splatted it on Ken. wuahahahahah...
I got retribution in the end coz Rachel splattered me with some cream in vengence, CW... (man he DOES have less mercy than boss!!) smashed me with some too in which i chased him down to pelt him with some strawberry butter paste...
And at the end of the night... Nigel was left unscathed!!! WTH! Not a single drop of cream or anything on him till rachel and melvin embushed him with some.. But he's my boss and i kuli cares for boss ok!! So i got him towel to clean up... wuahahah.. Kuli ma....


Dis btr nt b in vision wei! wuahahahah.... Funny thing is that... here i am chasing CW down with cream and the very next day i went for Ching Mun's baby's full moon... and it was REALLY a great big difference man.... I don't know... perhaps, i should grow up, but then sometimes i feel old and realize i am not 18 anymore... but... sometimes.... I don't know... can we just be what we're called to be in that moment in time? That we don't always have to act our age, but when we need to act our age, we do.... I prefer to live my life in mosh pits... I still prefer standing there in that crowd watching my bands, going crazy, screaming at the top of my lungs together with the other fans and with the band in one voice-- I think to me, that is how i want to always live my life.

Beauty and d beast!!!! Rachel and I.... Boss wanna me to get tips from Rachel on how to get guys.... Tapi boss!!! Most important criteria failed adi: Natural Beauty!!!!! >___<

the gang... well not really coz Cheng Dar is missing.
Oh yeah... and we also had sports carnival at college the last week of July...

These are all my collegues at college... haha.
Last week... for some reason I saw Nigel 6 days in a week >____< (I guess that's why he's been avoiding my calls and going out this week!! wuahahahahaha) So... Saturday was sports carnival... Then Monday afternoon after college I went to walk around 1U with cw coz he wanted to get something for *ahem* ;) hehehe... Then that night we went out again with Nigel and Kheng Li to SS2 pasar malam... yay~ Tuesday we went for... TRANSFORMERS!!! wooooooooo!! Nigel had free tickets (thank you boss!!) and so cw, nigel, ken and I went for transformers!! Boss watched like 3 times.... Dude damn nice show ok!!! Wednesday... wuahahah... finally didn't go out... so just chatted online.
Thursday Nigel, cw and Han Ming came to college... College was dismissed early coz of BBQ Nite so i could leave by 12:30... So we all went to Sungai Wang to eat then to Low Yatt coz Han Ming wanted to get an external drive... Dude we spent like sooooooo much time there, by the time we left to go home it was like 3:30 and it was so redundant coz we planned to leave home to come to college for BBQ nite at 5:30!
So, i reached home 4:20, took a shower, sent CW back at 4:45, drove to Ken's, picked him up and went to meet up with nigel and cw at cw's house at 5:30 then we went to college.

When we reached college we just decided to hang around the parking lot... It was a really nice feeling, you know, especially when the sun started setting and the night started to settle in...
It was like in In This Diary "Lighting fireworks in parking lots (unfortunately this didn't really work out huh!! hehehe), illuminate the blackest nights.Cherry cokes under this moonlit summer sky,"
And it was like the feel of Eleven: "I remember parking lot nights, what did they mean to you?"
It was the feeling of being part of something... It was like a feeling of being with a group, and having friends, and being friends.


Esther and Pheobe ^^

CW and Ken.... Ken is ALWAYS like that isn't he???

Cheng Dar and CW..... errrrrrr.... for some reason......... errrrrrrrr... that gang like to touch each other alot don't they?????? *urghhhhh* hehehe

Esther, Cheng Dar and I

cw, han ming and.... missing boss!!!! >___<

D GANG N THEIR *BELOVED* MS LIM!!! wuahahahahahaha. hehe

BOSS!!! BOSS FREN!!! KULI!!! (yeah thumbs up for our teamwork for Vision!!! Great Success people!!!! =P )

yay~ all of us.... =)
So after BBQ Nite we went to A&W.... nearly died on the road chasing Nigel, keeping up with cw and being boxed in by Cheng Dar.... =S
So anyway, whole of last week, actually, i was damn sick. Fever, cough, flu, sore throat, no thanks to cw who infected me with his virus!!!!! >__<
So on Friday, I was quite sick... So i asked Mrs. Tan if I could take MC for the day! Which i could so i did!! But i love the feeling of being free in the morning and OUT OF COLLEGE with the whole day ahead!!! So i messaged Nigel and CW to see if they would be free that day.. Cw was still in Bukit Jalil at Vince's house (he and han ming went there after BBQ nite).. They were there to play Wii!!!
So nigel replied and after much begging and convincing, i arranged with him to meet after I went to see a doctor (I had to get an MC slip!!)... We were going to go over to Bukit Jalil to play Wii or have lunch with the rest of the bunch.
So around 11:30 i picked nigel up and we went to Bukit Jalil.. Cw, Han Ming, Vincent, Kheng Li and well VINCE (duh) was there la... and THAT WAS IT. HOOKED. wuahahhahahahahhah. BLEACH Wii YO!!!!!!!!! So much for MC rest day!!! wuahahahahhahahaha.
Wii!!! abit like *ahem* hahahaha
Soooo... we stayed there till like 6pm hahahha... Kinda long wei... Boss wanted to go back around 2... so much for that! hahaha...
Then saturday..... Didn't do anything much... Boss was going to Ipoh and CW was going out with a friend... so takde teman... Was gonna sleep and watch the Crime TV the whole day... then around 2:30 boss called. Din go to Ipoh, he had another apointment at 5:30 and needed to kill time. So we went to 1U to walk around. Walk to Sony store, walk to magazine store, walked to game store, walk to pets wonderland.... wasting time basically, wasting time... unbeknownst to us, CW was also walking around AIMLESSLY in 1U with his friend too hahahahahha.
Sunday went to Church... then saw boss again coz he came over to take d bbq pit.... Then i think at night i went out with CW to KFC... wuahahahaha.
So that was last week.
Was a shitty week... and actually didn't go out much. Went out with cw for a few times. Nigel ffk and few times. And I ffk Kheng Li a few times.
Wednesday we all went to MidValley to celebrate Lillien's birthday although, we actually ended up spending more time toying around with stuff (and turtles!!) in Living Cabin than we did celebrating the birthday.

The group. Am i suppose to name?

lil and jolyn


I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!!!! I love the looks on Rachel's face and cw and nigel so frigging typical!

I like this pic too... nice pic....
Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up:
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
and eventually you'll finally get it right.
I have to say that being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up and really, those were the best days of our lives... Despite all these.... I do feel too grown up because you realize you're not 18 anymore and those were the best days of your life...
But having said that, there are moments when I am with all of them (all of you), i feel very grateful, that despite me being grandma yo!!!! it's wonderful that well... we're all friends =)
So what can i say?
It's been nice la.... Will miss them when they leave but, it's been a good memory and you've been what makes being back home in Malaysia a good experience, and you're what makes the whole chance of working in MCKL something that I don't regret.
(eh... that said, boss not replying my sms lately... waaaaa~ i think i am annoying him abit alot again these days (i can hear cw saying adi "so? wat else's new??" wuahahahah)... so better becareful yo!! hehehehe.... SO that said.... sometimes I think, last week was as good as it gets...!!! But it's alright anyway, because at least, it was all a great memory =) )