YEAP! it's been awhile... but i wanted to Blog about Plastic Tree!
Plastic Tree has alot of nicknames... In japanese you pronouce their name as "Purasutekku Turi".... so Naturally, like some japanese words... they like to shorten stuff... so Puraturi they're called sometimes... if you plastic tree fast.. u get purakuri....
Then there's also Pla... i read somewhere... and a few others...
THEN....Fans also also just call them PURA....
On one of their tours they used this sign .... as their "logo"....
The symbols there is the Japanese writing for "PURA" for plastic... It's the symbol that the japanese use for recyclable plastic materials (if u check some japanese stuff u have, you will see that sign there)...
So Plastic Tree used it as their symbol...
Anyway... the name Plastic Tree came from Radiohead's song Fake Plastic Tree.... But recently, apparently, Tadashi and Ryutarou revealed that they wanted a name that combined the element of something from nature and something manufactured.... So Plastic Tree...
My own personal nickname for them tho is PURAKI! ????? hehehehe...
Sorry i didn't follow the fans' nicknames... but i REALLY like Puraki!
?? - Pura in katakana following.... PURA...for Plastic...
? - ki in kanji.... for tree...
So.... it still follows the feel of their original intention right? A nickname that encompasses two opposite aspect... Pura, foreign word in katakana, and ki in kanji that is traditional hehehe
ANYWAY..... I told Fuji my OBSESSION with Plastic Tree and i told her my nickname for them PURAKI!
she said it's a very good nickname!! hehehe! She said that Japanese fans would like the nickname... ... hmm i wonder... But i really like it though!
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