I'm too lazy to write a summary so here's one from the internet ;)
There is a rumor that there is a message board called �Jigoku Tsushin� which can only be accessed at midnight. It is said that if one posts his grudge against someone there, the Jigoku Shojo will appear and take the person to Hell. It may sound like an urban legend, but it is true.
The name of the Jigoku Shojo is Emma Ai. Emma is usually a quiet girl, but when she feels for the client, she turns into Jigoku Shojo. Although it isn�t mentioned in the rumor, it is necessary to make a contract with her. In exchange for her sending the target to Hell, the client�s soul will be also taken to Hell after his death.
My Review:
I've not finished watching the series yet. Thanks to my non-existant Japanese, i have to wait for the subs. 3 more episodes and i'm done.
I think that this is a "good" series and has alot of potential. Especially after you've watched a few of the one shot episodes of Ai-Chan (hehe) dragging people to hell and all the stupid petty reasons these people contact Emma Ai for.
However, I think that the creators wasted this series in making TOO MANY one shot episodes. I mean after 9 episodes in a row that's basically the SAME structure, and basically the Jigoku Shoujo says the SAMEEEEEEE six lines over and over again episode after episode. It kinda gets boring. Seriously, the first six episodes, she literally has the SAME SIX LINES and NO NEW LINES. It's like "WOW!!" make you sit on the edge of your seat just to see her do something different or say something more.
That aside, I think they could have made this series into a very powerful commentary of our world today. Of the petty things we hate people for, and for our inability to think beyond ourselves or our current circumstance (two people in two different episodes actually sold their soul to eternal hell because of DOGS. wtf). Unfortunately, the writers didn't explore into this great possibility that i feel could have made this series much deeper.
Also, absolutely NOTHING is revealed about Ai's three helpers. And Ai's own story is not revealed until the final 4 episodes.
Ai was cute in this episode! hehe
There are some good DIFFERENT episodes, of course, that made the series quite enjoyable. Notably, probably liked episode 20 the best where Jigoku Shoujo faces off with Jigoku Shounen (Hell Boy). But well hopefully eps 24 - 26 will be kick ass.
Also, there are talks of Season 2, hopefully that would be more interesting.
BUT ALSO one thing i love abt this series is the art and how they blend all these traditional images in. Emma Ai is a very intriguing beautiful character. DAMN COOL.
more Ai pics.
i like her she's real cool.
so yeah, that's my two cents.
The Opening song is damn nice, here it is!
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