don't be stupid: don't have unprotected sex!
HIV, the virus that causes AIDS
Latex condoms, when used consistently and correctly, are highly effective in preventing the sexual transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
AIDS is, by far, the most deadly sexually transmitted disease, and considerably more scientific evidence exists regarding condom effectiveness for prevention of HIV infection than for other STDs. The body of research on the effectiveness of latex condoms in preventing sexual transmission of HIV is both comprehensive and conclusive. In fact, the ability of latex condoms to prevent transmission of HIV has been scientifically established in �real-life� studies of sexually active couples as well as in laboratory studies.
Laboratory studies have demonstrated that latex condoms provide an essentially impermeable barrier to particles the size of STD pathogens.
Theoretical basis for protection. Latex condoms cover the penis and provide an effective barrier to exposure to secretions such as semen and vaginal fluids, blocking the pathway of sexual transmission of HIV infection.
Epidemiologic studies that are conducted in real-life settings, where one partner is infected with HIV and the other partner is not, demonstrate conclusively that the consistent use of latex condoms provides a high degree of protection.
my chinese is shite
I basically live in this china house hahaha.. Well only my landlady and her husband can speak in cantonese. everyone else speaks in mandrin like REAL REAL REAL REAL CHINA mandrin.
So neways, there's this man that lives in the room across me and everytime i run into him in the house, i don't know what to say!! Ni hau??????? yeah, that's about it, and then an awkward smile.
Then, last week while on my way back in the subway, I ACTUALLY RAN INTO HIM! Can you believe it??? What are the chances?!
SO thus begin our frigging AWKWARD as hell conversation which basically i could not understand 99.999% of what he was saying!! and even worse is that i couldn't even give him ONE ONE not even ONE proper information in Mandrin.
Basically it was like:
Him: chinese chinese chinese chinese (points to somewhere and then to our current place)
*elaine: "huh?" (ohhhh, he's pointing somewhere then pointing here, he's probably saying "oh where did you come from?")
ME: uh... New York. uh.. here. (DAMN! i couldn't even say yeah i am on my way HOME FROM NEW YORK).
Him: (smiles) chinese chinese chinese chinese
*elaine: -blank- *blinks eye
ME: smiles. nods. smiles.
I couldn't even say to him "I am going home" or "I came from New York.". WHY???? cause i did even frigging know what the heck the word for HOME was in mandrin! So i sure as hell can't say something as COMPLEX as "I am going" or "I came from" WTF!!!!
sadly......... i actually WOULD know how to say that in Japanese!
this is shite.
a city so nice they named it twice: New York, New York ;)
Times Square, NYC last weekend
This is crossing 8th Avenue.... i think it's 8th. But anyway, this is Times Square :)
This one's for Ching Mun.
Sometimes when i take pics of America, i do it coz i want to remember the place when i'm gone from here. Sometimes though, i take it really, because i want Ching Mun to see it.
I really want her to see these and to share with me these experiences here. It's sad that she can't so i want to try to show her how America is like because she can't be here.
But pictures, videos and descriptions are never enough. It will never ever replace Ching Mun being here herself to see for herself what America is like.
To put it short, I wish Ching Mun was here so that i can show to her this world i live in that i love-- so that I can have experiences here that I know the both of us share together.
Anyway, i want to get one of these for my mom. So she can show off to her friends when she throws a party. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHE. But i think they're soooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!! And i bet not many people in malaysia have one!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, not AT HOME anyway! hehehehehe.... sooooooooooooooooo basically i want me moms to be special. wuahahahhahhaha.
neways, i've only seen two of them before in New York. Andrew's mom has one at home too, apparently, hehehehe.
It's $200 though.... hmm.... I mean the US ones are cheap but to get one for Malaysian voltage i gotta get the UK ones.... And those are in pounds yo! SHIPPING TO MALAYSIA KILLS.
coming soon...
today my fortune cookie said:
currently transfixed on: ???? Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl)
I'm too lazy to write a summary so here's one from the internet ;)
There is a rumor that there is a message board called �Jigoku Tsushin� which can only be accessed at midnight. It is said that if one posts his grudge against someone there, the Jigoku Shojo will appear and take the person to Hell. It may sound like an urban legend, but it is true.
The name of the Jigoku Shojo is Emma Ai. Emma is usually a quiet girl, but when she feels for the client, she turns into Jigoku Shojo. Although it isn�t mentioned in the rumor, it is necessary to make a contract with her. In exchange for her sending the target to Hell, the client�s soul will be also taken to Hell after his death.
My Review:
I've not finished watching the series yet. Thanks to my non-existant Japanese, i have to wait for the subs. 3 more episodes and i'm done.
I think that this is a "good" series and has alot of potential. Especially after you've watched a few of the one shot episodes of Ai-Chan (hehe) dragging people to hell and all the stupid petty reasons these people contact Emma Ai for.
However, I think that the creators wasted this series in making TOO MANY one shot episodes. I mean after 9 episodes in a row that's basically the SAME structure, and basically the Jigoku Shoujo says the SAMEEEEEEE six lines over and over again episode after episode. It kinda gets boring. Seriously, the first six episodes, she literally has the SAME SIX LINES and NO NEW LINES. It's like "WOW!!" make you sit on the edge of your seat just to see her do something different or say something more.
That aside, I think they could have made this series into a very powerful commentary of our world today. Of the petty things we hate people for, and for our inability to think beyond ourselves or our current circumstance (two people in two different episodes actually sold their soul to eternal hell because of DOGS. wtf). Unfortunately, the writers didn't explore into this great possibility that i feel could have made this series much deeper.
Also, absolutely NOTHING is revealed about Ai's three helpers. And Ai's own story is not revealed until the final 4 episodes.
Ai was cute in this episode! hehe
There are some good DIFFERENT episodes, of course, that made the series quite enjoyable. Notably, probably liked episode 20 the best where Jigoku Shoujo faces off with Jigoku Shounen (Hell Boy). But well hopefully eps 24 - 26 will be kick ass.
Also, there are talks of Season 2, hopefully that would be more interesting.
BUT ALSO one thing i love abt this series is the art and how they blend all these traditional images in. Emma Ai is a very intriguing beautiful character. DAMN COOL.
more Ai pics.
i like her she's real cool.
so yeah, that's my two cents.
The Opening song is damn nice, here it is!
you're what makes america so great
It was amazing in itself that i got to hang out with them once more. I miss Michelle loads and i wish she was here all the time. I really wish i had a friend like her around because i always need friends like her around to bring out the best (or worst, some might argue) in me. Because, i just don't have the strength to be crazy all the time all on my own, you know... And i just feel that it's friends like her and like CHING MUN, that makes me shine... and i wish i had friends like them around all the time...
i love u all <3
yay!! together at last!!! Peace out!
Michelle, Luis, Melissa and Jean came to boston for TBS on Friday. I took a day off work but ended up not getting to hang out with them cause they didn't get here till 6pm.... but i didn't realized how much i miss them because i really do... Michelle is just awesome and when we met at Kenmore Square, we all hugged and it was just amazing to see them again. I actually miss Luis' smell cause it brings back so many memories of the times i had spent at his house hanging out, like when i just got here and i stayed over at his place and we were just listening to music all night.... i really miss them...
BUT, the SECOND gem of the weekend was that, i still got to go to meet TBS at a signing and it was really cool.
Not only that, i was REALLY REALLY happy that Adam actually remembered me and Matt even remembered my name!!!!!! I mean, I've only actually met and spoke with Adam about three times and they were all very brief. And I've not met or talked with Matt for more than 1 year. I had hoped Matt would remember me at least, but i was really really happy and surprised he actually remembered my name even!
It all went like this:
So i wanted to get that TBS Japanese CD lyrics booklet signed my TBS ever since i got it from Japan last year. But i never got the chance to meet them. So this time i brought the booklet to be signed by them.
So Adam was the first one at the table and we were only allowed to give them one item each to sign. So my item got on the table then Adam looked at it and was like "Wow." and started flipping through the book.
So he looked up (oh man he is as cute as ever!), and i was like "Yeah, that's mine,"
Then he said and smiled, "Hey, i know you,"
And i was surprised and just said "Yeah."
Then the rest of the band actually looked over and saw me and Matt saw me and went loudly, "Elaine! What are you doing here?! You're on the wrong coast!"
Anyway i don't know where or when but i remember telling Adam that i got the thing last year but didn't get to meet them till now to have them sign it. Then since he was just flipping through the book i told him he could sign anywhere, any page he wanted. he just laughed and smiled and signed the front.... In fact ALL of them signed the front! By the time it got to Mark, it was as if he was looking for an empty place to sign cause he was just flipping it aroung, so i told him just sign somewhere else, but he just signed the front too!
hehe... so anyway, we went through rest of the band, Eddie said Hi and asked how are you. Mark just looked at the CD booklet and was like wow. Then it was Matt but i got to talk to him only abit cause there were alot of fans and they were rushing us through.
So he asked me how i was, and all those formalities then we shook hands and i was like "Am i even allowed to touch you??" (cause the security guys and I had overheard Matt earlier tell a fan that he can't give her a hug or anything or take a pic with her or the security guy will beat him up). Then matt was like "Of course you can! Why not?!"
So that was cute. Then in the end i took a pic of them but only Fred posed for it hehe, fred is so funny.
Anyway, but i was really happy Matt only only remembered who i was but actually remembered my name!!! I mean what are the chances?? Considering that they meet ALOT ALOT ALOT of fans and it's been a REALLY long time since i last met him. And I'm also REALLY happy that Adam actually recongized me!!! I mean i was thinking maybe Eddie or Fred actually, would remember me better than Adam would, but it was ADAM who actually recognized me and that's AWESOME, of course! since *drooooooooooooooool* I'm in love with Adam i think he's the cutest! (next to Nate, Adam's next on my list of dream guy hahahaha).
woo hoo... signed alas!
So anyway, the most FUCKED UP and SHITTIEST parts of this whole weekend is that i MISSED TAKING BACK SUNDAY'S SHOW!!!
FUCKING FRIDAY i FORGOT the tickets when we ARRIVED at the venue. I had to go home to get it with michelle and by the time we got there, the set was fucking OVER!
Me and michelle waiting for the fucking train to take us to the show!!!!! got soooooo frustrated that she started messing around with her sunglasses and Michelle taking loaaaaaaaads of pics on her sidekick just to make me bitch less about being soooooooo fucking stupid for forgetting the tickets!
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yeah. we made it to the show in time for it to END. I heard THREE songs in total but you know what??? DAMNNNNNNN that three songs reminded me of EVERYTHING I love about Taking back Sunday...
And looking back u know, that one moment there standing in their mosh pit, the thrill and the exhilaration i felt just for that 15 minutes, just for that one song screaming You Know How I Do with Michelle, that ONE MOMENT just beats it all!!
And i realize that, not even meeting the band, or like having them know my name, or remember me, all those stuff are great... But the one thing that really makes me feel this love for Taking Back Sunday is NOT all that, BUT that overwhelming feeling of happiness and just totall release and craziness and FUN, in their pit screaming their songs and going crazy and forgetting yourself. it is that pure energy, and it is that pure fun, screaming at the top of your lungs with 1000 fans and the band. THAT is why i love Taking Back Sunday.
well.... in a way, it was awesome though that thank God i made it for the encore... Cause they ACTUALLY played You Know How I Do!!!! And i LOVE that song!!! it's my favourite TBS song cause the lyrics defined alot of my life in California when i first got here.... And they ACTUALLY played it again (they had not play it in the last few shows i saw them) and it was a "special" live version too!!
So the weekend we went back down to the City for Bamboozle (it's a music festival). I went only for the saturday show and FUCK MISSED TAKING BACK SUNDAY on Sunday cause i had to COME BACK TO BOSTON TO WORK on Monday, so i could not stay till their set at night!!!!!
But well.... that was sunday.
i did go for Saturday though and i got to hang out with Michelle and Melissa.
Bamboozle was well......... pretty much like Warped Tour!!! what the heck! EVERYTHING is exactly the same! Seriously! Well... but i guess that's how American music festivals are like then.
mel and i! dude... looks like Warped Tour!
Actually there weren't many bands that i liked who were playing and in the end i basically saw only Hellogoodbye. I didn't stay for Thursday (which i should have!) cause Thursday was headlining. I was frigging tired, hot and my feet hurt like hell, and there was no way i could stay till Thursday's set at 8:45. I'm sure it would have been amazing though.
Instead Michelle, Melissa and I went back to the City (bamboozle was in New Jersey) and we went to go have food in Tribeca, if i am not mistaken. We took the subway there. Then we went back up to Times Square where Jean's apartment was. Melissa and Michelle went shopping.... I went to sleep! hahahaha.
Then when they got back, there was a party going on (for Bamboozle) somewhere in Greenwich. So we took the subway to pretty much downtown and had to walk BLOCKSSSSSSSSSSSS to get to the club.
Oh and did i tell you? Don't let the THOUSANDS of New York cab fool you into thinking it's easy to get a cab in NYC. IT IS NOT! It was literally IMPOSSIBLE to get a cab in Times Square despite having dozen of cabs pass us every second. IMPOSSIBLE!
at the subway!
messin around
me and michelle!
Anyway, so yeah, we went to the party and we all got abit drunk and danced around. and wooo hoooo!!! Michelle got to make out with some guy at the party!!!!
Then we took at cab back at 4am. Luis and Annel were pretty much the only ones still sober enough to know what to do at this point hahahaha. Melissa was calling the two guys she has a crush on (biggie no no), Michelle was holding an umbrella in the middle of the street, and i just wanted to throw up.
SO! yeah! that was my weekend....
I miss you all in California...
wish you were here...
wish i was there...
it's only been 3 years
To: elainelmy@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: FW: Elaine
Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 16:52:17 +0000
Dear Elaine,
Did you manage to visit New Jersey after all.Will you be coming home
this year end.
You better do because as your ko ko said you might not have much more
years to see your por por,and the other reason is your daddy really miss you.I
do miss you too.
Do you know that you will be away 4 years by year end.So just dont
disappoint your dad and come home soonest posible.
Take care,God Bless
I can feel myself withering already at the thought of it!
i think i will say goodbye to you in the mosh pit. where we met should be where we leave.
(just forget me it's that simple)
i miss california
actually, i really miss the life in california.
i miss having my friends around.
this sucks.
i really miss everyone back there.
it's shitty. like today, all i want is to go out for dinner with someone. Yet, fuck, there's actually NO ONE to go out for dinner with.
If i was in california, i'd call Norika right now. And if she's not free, I know i can call Caryn then.. If Caryn is at work and won't be off till 11pm, AT LEAST i know we can go eat Denny's by the Northridge Mall at 11pm. Or we can go to that taco stall down by White Oak. And if Caryn can't, i can still call Maya or Ai. If that fails, haha, i could always call Eileen and she can take me out for dinner either at a diner or at that chinese place by Reseda and Nordhoff. I miss her. I miss them all, really...
And if THAT fails, at least i could have taken the metro down to Hollywood to walk around and to eat at that Japanese place by the Kodak Theater. That would be nice. Or take the shuttle up to Universal City Walk to see the tourist and the people and to sit around eating Panda Express or something. The weather would be great in California by now.
I miss that you know. I miss that life.
And the saddest part of it is to know that THAT is over. That even when i go back to California in September, it's just gonna be a visit, it's not going to be home anymore...
i've got a dyslexic heart
Tuesday, 23 July, 2002, 07:11 GMT 08:11 UK
A poor sense of rhythm could be to blame for dyslexia, scientists believe.
Researchers from University College London (UCL) found dyslexic children were less able to detect beats in sounds with a strong rhythm.
But children who read exceptionally well for their age were found to be much better than most at spotting rhythms.
The researchers concluded that an awareness of beats can influence the way young children assimilate speech patterns, which may in turn affect their reading and writing abilities.
Up to 100 children, 24 of whom were certified dyslexic, were tested as part of the UCL study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Winnie the Pooh
The children were played two types of tune - one with a rhythmical, pulsating beat and one without a distinctive beat.
The children were told the rhythmical sound was Tigger and Eeyore playing on a swing, while the continuous sound was Winnie the Pooh sliding down a spiral-shaped straw.
They were then played new sounds and had to decide if what they were hearing was Tigger and Eeyore on their swing or Winnie the Pooh on his slide.
The results clearly indicated dyslexic children had difficulty recognising the rhythmic sound.
Speech has a rhythmical beat linked to the points at which sounds are perceived, called "P-centres".
I guess THAT explains why i am a "spastic at rhythm" as my cousin had so aptly put it.
REVIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE!

I hope there are people still reading out there....... Anyway. I stopped writing cause basically there was nothing to write about. Life is always same ol same ol.
But i guess... sometimes i do wanna post some stuff, like recomendations or like just stuff i see or read that i feel like telling others about.....
I hope you'll keep reading.
And also, please check out the music blog. You can go download music of bands i love and stuff, i'll promise to update that too. =)