i miss nige :(
dunno y....
but feel like talking wid him...
miss him.. :(
i think i have a self destructive side to me.
i'm getting bored with nigel.
i mean... i like the way things are, i do, he's nice to me you know. but he's also online and i'm really getting bored. i want to do more, you know. i think i just need excitement. I love his emails and i still get stupidly happy getting them, but i'm running out of conversations and questions... and i really don't see things getting anywhere...
I just want to rock the boat, push it up a few notch... (not like it's NOT high already) But i want to do that, do something crazy because things are actually normal. i feel like even mixing things up, i don't know, take a risk, gamble the chance and try to push for something more, or you know.... force the moment to its crisis.
i don't know, then again, it's not as if i have not done crazy things you know... I guess i'm just dying for a reaction from Nigel. Doesn't have to be like a "oh yea, elaine i like u too," (tho THAT would be great!) but just.... something u know...
but then again, as it is... Nigel makes me happy when he makes me happy... and that's a really great feeling to feel, u know...
Well, of course, i'll be careful with what i wish for... So, i think i better just try to KEEP what i have with Nige for d mo!
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
eh btw
wun b stupid nemore says:
yes babe?
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
i got ur latest message
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
u ah
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
nige has dialup
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
always has
wun b stupid nemore says:
he never said!! bastard!
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
he hates his comp connection at home
wun b stupid nemore says:
ya ka?
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
also i'm surprisd he even went onlne seeing as he hasn't got a decent comp
wun b stupid nemore says:
ya ka??
wun b stupid nemore says:
ooo den i lucky to have gotten to chat wid him then huh??
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
wun b stupid nemore says:
aiseh ok lah den i try to b happy wid dat... but he said he was going for breakfast.. den never came back
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
a so?
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
what u gonna do anyway?
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
talk to him until he relents?
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
i mean u gonna be gone for ages
THUNDERCATS! HOrientalD! says:
its like me and mint xcept we already have a relationship u get me?
Nuff said...
ELAINEEEEE pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *dies* *hopeless*
as u can see, me, d "wun be stupid nemore" is STILL quite stupid.
k, shall treat nige betta then. poor thing he. yea?
but really, what am i gonna do huh? I mean, i can't talk nigel into anything till he relents... hahahahha.. damn well phrased tho!
the shittiest part to this whole shit is know that i'm all wrong and it can't ever work out not just cause i am not white and blonde and not his type, but everything else is wrong, not rich enough for him, come from totally different backgrounds, have nothing in common except my cousin his best friend, even if he's malaysian he is essentially brit, and everything else that i am not that he wants that i can't be.
Ukrainian couple has 17th child, lays claim to largest US family
condoms my dear that's what they're called. geez. Abit of a marvelous invention (unless the rubber breaks) unless the word "family planning" has never occured to you. geez.
Death Penalty Sought in Pa. Slayings
LANCASTER, Pa. - A prosecutor said Friday he will seek the death penalty against a man already accused of shooting to death his 14-year-old girlfriend's parents, and announced he does not plan to charge the girl.
Prosecutors said Ludwig killed the Bordens after an argument over his relationship with their daughter. He was captured the next day following a high-speed chase that ended with him crashing his parents' car.
Police said Ludwig dropped off the girl at her house at about 5:30 a.m. on the morning of the killings, after the teens had spent the night together at Ludwig's house.
After Ludwig didn't receive a text-message that she had made it into her room undetected, he called the girl on her cell phone and learned she had been caught by her parents and needed him to come over, according to the court filing.
He returned to the house at her request � sticking a Glock pistol in his waistband and grabbing some other weapons, authorities said. He had two guns and a hunting knife when he showed up at about 7 a.m., police said.
Michael Borden told Ludwig during a 30- to 45-minute talk that he could no longer see his daughter. It was then, Ludwig allegedly told police, that he then decided to kill the couple. He shot Michael Borden from behind as he was going down the hallway to the front door, and then Cathryn Borden from six feet away as she was getting of out a chair, according to the court papers. Both were shot in the head.
Ludwig then started to drive away before turning back to look for the girl, who came running after him and got in the car, authorities said.
He told detectives that the girl wanted to "get as far away as possible, get married, and start a new life," according to court documents.
Suddenly life is no fucking fairy tale now is it? Dumbasses.
Sorry but i am running out of sympathies. It's called digging your own grave, nailing your own coffin, whatever the idiomatic pharses are to describe things that stupid people do to themselves.
For the first dude, u might as well just shoot all your 17 kids in the legs and cause them permanent disability cause isn't that what you're doing to them to begin with? If you like kids, for goodness sake, go run an orphanage or work as a school teacher or something. geez.
For the second dude. I have nothing to say. The stupidity of kids these days who grew up watching shit like the OC or what-have-you-not. Suddenly it's not like the fucking television now is it? dumbasses.
When I went to school in Olympia
Everyone's the same
What do you do with a revolution?
When I went to school in Olympia
And everyone's the same
We look the same
We talk the same
Well don't you please make me real- fuck you
Make me sick- fuck you
Make me real- fuck you
When I went to school in Olympia
Everyone's the same
And so are you, in Olympia
Everyone's the same
We look the same
We talk the same
We even fuck the same
When I went to school in Olympia
Don't you please make me real, come on
Make me sick- come on
Make me real- yeah yeah
My only sin is my feelings for you. My only fault is that you make me happy. My only crime is that I think you?re wonderful. My only flaw is that I cannot forget you. My only frailty is that I need you. My only immorality is my lust for you. My only tragedy is the way I allow you hurt me. My only mistake is letting you make me feel this way.
no, nige does not know about the blog.
and as for your question suresh as to why the guy killed his neighbors... well, isn't that the eternal question that the loved ones of the dead ones are now asking?
Air Marshals Shoot Miami Passenger
MIAMI, Dec. 8, 2005
(AP) Shortly after boarding an Orlando-bound plane, passengers say, they saw a man bolt from his seat and run down the aisle, with his screaming wife and man in a Hawaiian shirt behind.
"My husband! My husband!" one passenger said she heard the wife cry.
The chase ended moments later Wednesday in a Miami International Airport jetway, when authorities say Rigoberto Alpizar appeared to reach for his bag. He was shot to death by the man in the Hawaiian shirt and a second pursuer, both undercover air marshals.
Before he ran off the plane he "uttered threatening words that included a sentence to the effect that he had a bomb," said James E. Bauer, agent in charge of the Federal Air Marshal Service field office in Miami.
No bomb was found, and federal officials later concluded there was no link to terrorism. Witnesses said his wife, Anne, frantically tried to explain he was bipolar, a mental illness also known as manic-depression, and was off his medication.
It was the first time since the Sept. 11 attacks that an air marshal discharged a firearm at a passenger or suspect, Homeland Security Department spokesman Brian Doyle said.
The Bush administration hired thousands of additional air marshals after Sept. 11, when the nation had only 33. The exact number now is classified. Marshals fly undercover, and which planes they're on is a closely guarded secret.
Officials declined to say how many times Alpizar was shot, but passengers reported hearing between four to six shots. Authorities did not confirm he suffered from a mental illness.
"The man sitting next to me got on the floor," said passenger Olga Echeverrie, of Guatemala. "I threw myself on the floor to pray for God's mercy on us."
Investigators closed the concourse at the airport for half an hour and spread passengers' bags on the tarmac. Dogs sniffed them for explosives, and bomb squad members blew up at least two bags. No bombs were found.
The remaining passengers were kept on the plane for an hour, then police told them to leave with their hands behind their backs, said Lucy Argote, 15, of Codazi, Colombia. They had to leave their possessions behind.
I hate to say this but totally agree with the action of the US Air Marshalls and I don't think that the shooting was wrong. This is probably the only 9/11 measure that i totally support.
I can't stand these American being like babies, criticizing the actions of the US Marshalls. They want safety yet they want everything to be perfect, as if by a snap of the fingers there won't be any more threats from anyone. If you want to be protected, there has to be a measure of sacrifice and certain precautionary levels have to be raised. Stop whining about it.
The shooting was totally justified because i think this shooting DOES send out a clear signal to any wannabe hijackers that the authorities mean business and they'll take you down my any means necessary. And the "greatest" part of it is that, this is really a out-of-the-blue incident and no one had any heads up about it. It happened on a completely random airline. This is definitely a good thing because those wannabe hijackers and terrorist really can't tell and can't be too sure anymore. There ARE indeed eyes and ears out there hunting you down.
This IS a good thing.
If the guy who was shot was an Arab, had some measley link to anything Palestinian, Muslim, Pakistan, etc. etc, the two US Marshalls who shot the man would NOT be suspended from work today, they would have been hailed as heroes.
Americans who are criticizing this should all just grow up and accept that the world we live in today is not the same as the golden days of yesteryears. If you want a the comforts of a blanket of security, there are certain things you have to accept and expect to give and to lose in the process.
You want and demand for something and claim your entitement to it yet you bend back on your own words and you're not willing to give away a little, you babies. Don't whine about it if another plane gets hijacked or anything like that, you asked for it. Seeing the blacklash to this incident is like seeing a little baby cry and whine about wanting i don't know, chocolate milk and then whining and crying abt it again when they don't like the chocolate milk, or if it doesn't taste like what they want or they see someone else having something better. For goodness sake, if the next time, God forbid anything should happen of course, but if anything do happen, you guys asked for it, you babies.
The stupidiest thing that can happen now is that a lawsuit is brought against the US Marshalls, and that the program gets cut. And if any of these two things happen in the near future because of this incident then... it just goes to reflect the stupidity of the American mentality. AND, knowing how moronic and idiotic this country can be at times, it WILL probably happen: I can see the headlines already, families suing the US Marshalls or the program getting cut.
Just you wait and see, the stupidity of humans.
I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it. I'd prefer you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to.- Colonel Nathan Jessep, A Few Good Men-

i hate to say this but...
nigel really makes me happy...
Was abit okay liao... by Wednesday... Since been a few days since i had chatted with him... And also, all our chats been realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly short, coz he's damn busy... so... out of sight (sorta), my heart also came to terms wid him liao...
Then i saw the whole day tuesday his nick on MSN was always away or busy... Then on Wednesday (sorta his Dday (3 major assignments due)) his MSN was whole day Away... but at least he was online...
NEWAYS... so then in d evening i saw him log off then when he logged on, he was not away anymore....
and then... like less than 1 hour later... i got an email reply!!!!!
damnnnnnnnnnnnnn made me super happy!!!!!
D other day too... on that monday.... he wasn't online at all the whole day and he had not replied my msgs on MSN for a few times that weekend... so my heart broken...
Thennnnnnnnn despite ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL my friends' advice to NOTTTTTTT be so frank wid guys... i DID email him lor........ ask him where he was mahhh... THENNNNNN so happy he replied within 30 mins.... so niceeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~
damnnnnnnnnn happy in cloud nine again after that....
dude!!! YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE indeed!!!
but danggggggggggggggggggg... shud NOT be like that elaine!!! shite!
in d end it doesn't really matter what i do or say, to him for him whatever.
because ultimately the reality is that it doesn't really matter. It's not as if i'll ever get to be with him anyway and this is just a fleeting feeling, that should just be enjoyed for what it is, i say. to do all the crazy things for someone because your heart compells you to do it and you're too weak to do otherwise... because in the end and the truth really is that... this won't mean a thing come tomorrow.
so there was this emokid who went and killed himself after posting a suicide note on Myspace.com bulletin board.. All very close to home considering that back in California, most of the friends i have and the "social group" i was in are Emo kids. So scene i tell ya, so scene.
So this dude had Senses Fail posted on his Myspace profile- also very close to home and i must say Senses Fail ain't exactly the most inspiring uplifting songs to listen to when one feels depressed. But then again, music should never be blamed.
So we have entered a new era in this information collective world of ours where the online community feels more real than the real one. And friend 6000 miles away seems closer to us on the MSN list/Myspace list/Friendster page and what have you not than the people we meet each day.
I guess maybe that reality is not too real yet in Malaysia, but it certainly is in America and i can tell you that for sure. It's always great hanging out with Luis because aside from being Latino, he is purely as they say, as american as you can get. Armed with T-Mobile Sidekicks that allows 24/7 IMing friends, Myspace junkies, you name it, it's there. It's great to observe their lives because you get a first hand perspective into the american youth culture.
So that said, this emokid who killed himself.... Well, suicide is not painless. While i do feel bad for the guy, sympathetic, i'm not too sure. I'm sympathetic in the sense that i can understand all these feeling of isolation and loneliness one can feel when you're a teenager. But to kill yourself and to post a suicide note on Myspace? Hmm... And this is not a first too. There was the other guy (also from California geez) who posted messages on forums before going out to shoot his neighbors and himself.
I don't know... I understand the feeling because i have felt it before. And i understand even the feeling of wanting to kill yourself-- only to gain the attention. But really, I say it's all self pity BS. Those are the only two words that come to my head: self pitying bullshit (that will one day blow over) and MYOPIA. It's not that i am belitting their feelings, I'm just saying man.... "sit back and relax don't worry," The world is not a small little island, and there are alot more people out there who care for you than just simple one girl or guy who don't return your affection. If someone you love don't love you back then just say "fuck them"... You're better off anyway. It's not like you're gonna gain their love by killing yourself, even if you do gain their love by doing that, what's the point?! You'd be dead anyway to receive any of those affection and it's not like you're even gonna know if it worked or not cause dude man, YOU'RE DEAD. and that's permanent.
So neways, seems like my life is a constant strive towards that phrase "fuck you"-- to all the people i liked who never liked me back...
but meanwhile, nigel is still a lil too sweet for me to say that to him. shite. poor thing he swamped wid so much work *sigh* *hugs* damn i wish i could hug u. shite.
Ouh btw, there was this paragraph in the news story written about the emokid's suicide that i really liked cause i thought it was really really well phrased and i think it's captures the essense of american youths very well...
Kids type quicker than they think. They bleed words, don't contrive them, and, even if I disdain Net-speak, I have the luxury of never needing to type so frantically....With his suicide announced on an Internet bulletin, his life remembered in a series of hastily typed prose that comes in blurbs and missives, and his loved ones handling their grieving through instant messages and blogs, will forever words be left on his Web page rather than coins or roses on his grave? We'll have to visit every Nov. 29.
it's sad/pathetic to like someone so much (sorta) n not be able to have them, no? hm. should at least tell them, i will, i guess. but i should also watch abit wut i do, coz my character in d end mite sorta cast a bad look on my cousin and my brother. no?
just sad, datz all.
Elaine said, "shitz. i do like u lah! shitz." says:
ei i like dat
Elaine said, "shitz. i do like u lah! shitz." says:
hati bergegar
Elaine said, "shitz. i do like u lah! shitz." says:
damn good expression
-mun-waiting for you says:
-mun-waiting for you says:
actually it is DIRECT translation..
-mun-waiting for you says:
coz kahhong went to Shen (which means hati) Zhen (bergegar)
-mun-waiting for you says:
n u know laaa..
-mun-waiting for you says:
shenzhen is well known for its prositution...
-mun-waiting for you says:
datz y my hati oso gegar
Elaine said, "shitz. i do like u lah! shitz." says:
-mun-waiting for you says:
Elaine said, "shitz. i do like u lah! shitz." says:
damn good lah u i gotta save that
I don't know a single girl who's EVER actually RATIONAL. when it comes to feelings anyway. We're all frigging IRRATIONAL! I don't know anyone, not even Ching Mun who has her bouts of irrationality sometimes.
GIRLS! I CANNOT STAND IT! I can't stand that we're soooooooooooooo stupid and damn irrational sometimes. SO FUCKING EMOTIONAL! I mean for goodness sake!! Stop hinting (THE GUY WON'T GET IT!!! JUST SAY IT!!!), STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP OVERANALYZING!!!!! (HE JUST MEANS WHAT HE MEANT! YES MEANS YES NO MEANS NO. AN APPLE IS AN APPLE IS AN APPLE. AN ORANGE IS AND ORANGE IS AN ORANGE) Stop fantasizing, stop dreaming!!! STOP ASSUMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for goodness sake!!! sometimes it's REALLY stupid!!!
and sometimes.......................................... ALL OF THE TIME!!
I mean, sometimes, when i look at myself, or ELAINE, or Melissa, or Ching Mun or Aida, or any other girl and what we do and how we feel or what we're thinking and trying to figure out the guy, it really makes me go WTF?!!!!!!!
Seriously. I mean i didn't just come to this realization through just me. It's just that lately it's not just that i've been having a whole overload of Nigel shit that cause me to be SUPER high on cloud nine one day THEN in seventh level hell the next day over something SMALL but also from EVERYONE, wait lemme repeat that, EVERY GIRL i've been talking to who just simply exhibit these IRRATIONALITIES!
I was in the train today, feeling like SHIT because of Nigel again and then i realize, it was fucking IRRATIONAL! I was upset/depressed/sad over one stupid little thing like how he didn't reply my message on MSN! That's just FUCKING STUPID! SERIOUSLY! i should be WHACKED IN THE HEAD FOR IT!
BUT don't you roll your eyes at me because pull yourself back and look at yourself, and you dare look me in the eye and tell me you have NEVER irrationally ASSUMED shit about some guy you liked.
And then i think about Elaine Teh, everyday with her Kimchi, FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!! STOP OVERANALYZING to DEATH every single action, word, BREATH he made!!! i TOTALLY mean every SINGLE LITTLE BIT AND PIECES and MINUTE DETAIL. Right down to him looking up the word "insult" on the dictionary she thinks it has something to do with her. I mean....... WTF?!!!!!!
Then there's Melissa. Melissa, Melissa my dear, JUST ASK. If the relationship is not going right. if you WANT THE DUDE TO ASK IF HE'D HANG OUT WITH YOU, just ASK IT. for goodness sake!! What's with all these "so, whatcha doing now." "oh nothing.". "whatcha gonna do tonight." "watch tv." "so gonna just watch tv?" "yeah." "bored?" "yeah, totally." "oh what time u gonna go to the airport?" "11". "Another two hours huh?" "yeah". "So you're gonna just watch tv till then?" "yeah"............ I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!! WTF?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and NO Melissa, when he said "nothing" he WAS NOT hinting that he wanted you to ask him out. NOTHING JUST MEANS NOTHING!!!
Sometimes A just means A and B just means B and C just means B. A doesn't mean B, or C or hellz! an unknown D for that matter knowing us girls! But if you think about it, girls are like that!! No wonder guys can't understand us! for goodness sake, do you even understand yourself???
It's so stupid!
I was thinking abt nigel the other day (DUH), and i came to the revelation that he is not weird. It's just that he's BASICALLY a very simple creature and it's people who are complicated and that's why we think he's weird.
SAME GOES FOR GIRLS! GIRL, if you think that the guy is complicated and you can't understand them..... it's cause YOU'RE the one who is complicating things that YOU make it hard to understand!!!
So go do what you like
Make sure you do it wise
You may find out that your self doubt means nothing was ever there
You can't go forcing something if it's just not right
blogging through email
and i miss yous.