Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tim & Charlotte (2019 revisit)

So... listening to Ash today, I suddenly remembered that there was another pair that I totally totally shipped, and that’s Tim and Charlotte.

They used to look so cute together and all those suggestive overtones that they totally played into was seriously fun to see.

It’s really such a shame they booted her out of the band the way they did considering that by that time, Charlotte had been in Ash much longer than the boys had been a 3-piece band.

That said, it’s nice to read that Tim still admires Charlotte’s work and her as a guitarist and soloists. 

I think this was quite sweet that.. when asked about his entire Ash career being the fondest, he brings up Charlotte :) 

Welllllllll Tim, that’s coz she was part of the band for a decade!!! Which is probably like 1/3-2/3 of Ash’s entire existence!

And it’s also sweet that he actually knows so much about her solo stuff.... (I’m looking at you Gillian and David who don’t even watch each other’s shows!). I guess... he really really does love her songwriting.

Still sucks she got booted out the way she was.

Anyway, I’m sad I lost all my Tim and Charlotte pics but it’s also wonderful to be able to unearth an old one which I love which is a superrrrrrr short clip in Warmer than Fire.

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(It’s only SEVEN frames! But so cute ^^)

There actually another cuter clip from the warmer than Fire outtake where Charlotte rests her chin on Tim’s shoulder but..... obviously I don’t have that clip anymore!!! (T_T)

Anyway... of course there isn’t much old Ash stuff online anymore so it’s really tough if not impossible to find stuff of Charlotte and Tim. Sad sad.

Butttttt I did find out that they sort-of released Jed’s highly anticipated Ash slasher movie featuring THIS:

Hahahha.. THEY KNEW what some fans were TOTALLY gossiping about!!

So we have it!

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I love how Tim winks at Chaz and they smile suggestively! Haha

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Anyway... it’s sad they never ended up together.. IN REAL LIFE!!!

But sex or not aside, I think it’s not the SLASHED movie that I felt was closest to “consummation” and “intensely sexy” and “ultimate fuck”, I think it’s actually the tenderness and the intensity, the crescendo and climax of Tim and Charlotte when they played Only in Dreams.

MUST WATCH, and tell me this doesn’t rival any passionate love making if not even more!!!

Anyway... here’s to the girl that at 17,18.. so impressed Tim so much with her guitar that he chose HER and plucked her out of nowhere to be part of his band, regardless of what she was, I think Tim from the very beginning admired and respected Charlotte immensely as a musician.

The picture that started it all, Charlotte! Her first proper introduction to the world as part of Ash.
(Why was she sticking so close to Tim??? Haha =P )

To me, Charlotte, you’re always part of Ash.


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