Anyway, I decided to check out this episode of the new Inuyasha episodes. They started the anime again to pick up the last arc to the end of the manga... I guess that's a good thing huh? After all, it was a very, very popular series. (Killed by lengthy repeats and wth-die-naraku-NOW)
Anyway, I bothered to follow the manga (back then) only because I wanted to read about Sesshoumaru and Rin... My favorite storyline in the whole series.. And this part of the series was the MOST MOST MOST MOST MOST MOST touching and wonderful part of the entire series (lols)!
So, it was nice they animated it!
But... It was kinda dissapointment actually... I didn't think it was as powerful being adapted into the anime...
I really like this part of the series because, I felt, it signified the progress and process of Sesshoumaru's character... I mean, he had always been a hard-ass, but you always felt there was more it him than that... in that he actually did care for Rin, a very uncharacteristic thing for him to do.
And I felt that these chapters (4 chapters in total in the manga), really showed how much he has changed and show his "true heart" that being with Rin has made him become....
I always loved that part where he catches Rin and Kohaku as they fall and then he says to Kohaku, "Don't make me have to look after you. This hand can only wield a sword"... And he said it with such sadness, I feel, inside, he desires to be compassionate but he knows his fate has been assigned that he can only use a sword to kill..
And I think the part that signifies his change the most was the part where he realized that Rin is dead and he can't save her and he actually DISCARDS the Tenseiga (Sesshoumaru throwing away his sword to carry Rin), and says that it is not worth it, to exchange Rin's life for mastering the sword or anything... I thought that was absolutely absolutely touching... MORE THAN INUYASHA CAN EVER BE WITH KAGOME!! wth!
It totally wasn't emotional in the Anime at all!! It the WEIGH and SIGNIFICANCE of Sesshomaru's feelings and words were just LOST in the anime!!!
This part was quite faithful... But... Still, I feel Sesshoumaru wasn't as...... touched and caring here in the anime as he was in the manga!!!
I didn't quite like the way Sesshomaru said "mou daijoubu da" to Rin!! Wasn't soft and caring as I think it should have been!!! lols
Anyway, it's kinda like "wth" watching Inuyasha again huh? But anyway, I can't deny Inuyasha... Because it was because of Inuyasha back in 2003 that I got to know and became interested in Japan, so... I won't deny my Inuyasha FAN-NESS! lols
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