here's my profile:
I don't think it's totally a real representation of the music we listen to, because it only records the music played on the computer, but, I suppose, it's a decent representation of the music we listen.
I only have two friends on Robbie and Ame...
It's REALLY sad that my music compatibility with Robbie is like......... VERY LOW... coz, well... I know for sure that if it was back in 2003 or 2004, we would have had a good compatibility, although, he would have been listening to wayyyyyyyyy more and varied music than I would have! And it's sad coz like I said, I think robbie is one of the few friends I can solely communicate entirely with lyrics and he'd know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. So, it's quite sad to see that the one thing we'd have in common, it's already so far.... past and... gone.
And I have no idea how Ame and I even share the same music for.... Beethoven??? hahahaha ^__^ It's great to have met her!! I hope we can go for a Lunkhead live together SOON!!!! ^___^ 楽しみよ!
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