So.... In light of Lunkhead's upcoming Best Album, I shall review... FAIRLY... the past albums! My two cents! ^^
===Music Evolution===
In my opinion, i think Lunkhead's music has changed alot through the years (duh) becoming less rockish towards perhaps something of a softer toned rock melody.
I therefore, personally, prefer their older albums than the newer ones.
Kage to Tabako to Boku to Ao (影と煙草と僕と青) (Translation: The shadow and cigarettes and me and blue....... HUH???)
1st mini album
Release Date: 21 May 2003
Track List:
Tokyo ni te (東京にて)/Kono Kenkireru (この剣斬れる)/Monoomoi ni Fukeru Niwa (物思いに耽る庭)/Kareri To (帰り途)/Saigo no Tane (最後の種)/Boku to Ki (僕と樹)
= my review=
Actually I like this album alot, more than the later albums... While the sounds are really raw and you can really hear the indie quality of this album, I think the songs are really solid. They have some really rock out songs, passionate ones, and of course, a slower contemplative tune... My fav tracks are Boku to Ki and Tokyo nite... Boku to Ki has one of those powerful passionate sounds like Yuugure no (in the Sengawa dori yuukaze datta single) which i absolutely love!
Chizu (地図) (Translation: Map)
Release Date: 23 June 2004
1st Full Album
Track List:
Oto (音)/Fuyu no Asa (冬の朝)/Prism (プリズム)/Shiroi Koe (白い声)/Yakou Bas (夜行バス)/Hakudaku (白濁)/Sono Kan 5 Meter (その間5メートル)/Zenshin Boku Senjou he Album Version(前進/僕/戦場へ)/Hai Sora (灰空)/Sangatsu (三月)/Senkawa Doori wa Yuu Kaze datta Guitar Version (千川通りは夕風だった)/Kinmokusei (金木犀)
=my review=
This album contains alot of rock out songs like Prism, Shiroi Koe, Fuyu no Asa, Hakudaku, Zenzhin Boku Senjou he, Hai Sora and Senkawa Doori Yuu Kaze datta. Their rock sound still sounds "hard" and raw but definitely more refined and cleaned as compared to Kage to Tabako to Boku to Ao. Solid rock songs nevertheless with of course, a slower song, Sangatsu, tagged along ;)
Fan favourites are Prism and Shiroi Koe... Both solid solid rock tunes. My personal favourites are Hakudaku, Hai Sora, Zenshin Boku Senjou he, and Fuyu no Asa. Hakudaku is not as raw or hard in its sound but it has a really catchy and rocking tune. Hai Sora just has BRILLIANT guitar solos!!!
OHHHH and the band LOVES!!! Zenzhin Boku Senjou he!! It's like their anthem!! Dude... in their career, the song has appreared on two singles, and two albums!! wth!! But if i remember correctly, I think that's the first song they wrote together... maybe....
Tsuki to Tenohira (月と手のひら) (Translation: the Moon and the Palm of your hand)
Release Date: 11 May 2005
2nd Full Album
Track List:
Gekkou Shounen (月光少年)/Goodbye (グッド・バイ)/Taion (体温)/Sakana no Uta (魚の歌)/Hitorigoto (ひとりごと)/Himeyuri no Hana (姫百合の花)/Jibun wo Aisu to Kimetanda (自分を愛すと決めたんだ)/Semi (蝉)/Reiji (零時)/Highlight (ハイライト)/Tsuki to Tenohira (月と手のひら)/Hidden Track
=my review=
If I have to choose, I'd choose this as my favourite album! haha!
Hmmm... What can i say?? But I think this album was the pinnacle of Lunkhead! The best yet, perhaps, in their rock evolution. Here in this album, their rock tunes and sounds have been developed, refined further and crafted into solid sanded tunes... I wouldn't say "polished" because the sounds are not studio fake... nor would i say "well moulded" because its not fomulatic.. but it's just their rock being taken further, still sounding solid as ever but more refined not fake just smooth but sandy, not silky... DOes that make sense??
Anyway, I think alot of their Japanese fans like this album.. I know Gekkou Shounen, Taion, Semi, Highlight, Reiji seem to be a favourite especially at lives. ANd they're all rocking songs, really rocking out songs!!
And of course, my number 1 most favourite Lunkhead song is in this album, the title track, Tsuki to Tenohira.
But.... I suppose, there is a certain atmosphere to this album, and perhaps I think that contributes to the overall beauty of this album.
Purukerima (プルケリマ)
Release Date: 26 October 2005
2nd Mini Album
Track List:
Purukerima (プルケリマ)/Indigo (インディゴ)/Komorebi (木漏れ陽)/Kimi to Cosmos (君とコスモス)/Bokuranouta (僕らのうた)/ Electric (エレクトリック)
=my review=
Haha, if not for Tsuki to Tenohira, i think this would be my personal favourite. haha. Coz I think I like all the songs on this album and TOTALLY love 4 of the 6 songs! Purukerima and Indigo is definitely in the same rock blood of the usual Lunkhead power rock songs!
That said, Komorebi moves into one of Yoshitaro's softer, melodic and beautiful side along with Kimi to Cosmos. Bokuranouta is one of their choral rock tunes haha. Yoshitaro did comment that Komorebi startd off fast but became slower and slower... That said though, I'm glad it ended up as it is because if it wasn't for this beautiful melodic side of Lunkhead, I would have never fallen in love with them instantaneously when I first heard Komorebi... =)
But this album does stand at the treshold of Lunkhead sound change...
LUNKHEAD (Self Titled)
Release Date: 21 June 2006
3rd Full Album
Track List:
Koi wo Shiteiru (恋をしている)/Canaria Box (カナリア ボックス)/Subete (すべて)/Hikari no Machi (光の街)/Clover (クローバー)/Bokura no Senaka to Taiyou to (僕らの背中と太陽と)/Niji (虹)/a.m./Black Misty Island (ブラック・ミスティ・アイランド)/loop/Soshite Asa ga Kita (そして朝が来た)/Purukerima Album Version (プルケリマ)
=my review=
Haha, i wanted to say that this album is like Lunkhead rock on a beach vacation! hahaha... But it does seem that way... Besides Subete and Hikari no Machi, their rock sounds was definitely much subdued in this album.. Not as angry anymore?? Well, definitely NOT as hard anymore, much calmer and smoother, and dancy rock, downright to happy and Hawaiian haha like in Clover (i like that song ok!!) and then...... electro dance?? in loop (wtf?!). But yeah, the two still very powerful rock songs were only Subete and Hikari no Machi...
Seem like they usually play Canaria Vox, Subete, Hikari no Machi in their live. And occasionally loop, a.m, and of course Bokura no Senaka to Taiyo to. Though, sometimes, I feel that Niji and a.m. sounds are more towards Tsuki to Tenohira era....
FORCE(4th full Album)
Release Date: 27 June 2007
4th Full Album
Track List:
Oto/Heart Beater/Giggle (ギグル)/Kiseki (奇跡)/Kirariiro (きらりいろ)/Natsu no Nioi (夏の匂い)/Paradoxical (パラドクサル)/Huan to Yume (不安と夢)/Glass Ball (Garasu Dama) (ガラス玉)/Nemurenai Yoru no koto (眠れない夜のこと)/ Heavens Door (ヘヴンズドア)/Bokura ha Ikiru (僕らは生きる)/Sakura Biyori (桜日和)
=my review=
I remember when I met Lunkhead 2 days after this album was released, Sou from Lunkhead asked me which songs on the album was my favourite... And I answered "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13"... and he looked at me laughed like in a "wth" manner and said "that's practically the whole album" and I just laughed and said "yeah".
But i really did think that they were all good songs... Giggle and Glass Ball (Gurasu Tama), Kiseki, Heartbeater were REALLY rocking out rock songs! Butttttttt... they were rocking out in very different ways than the previous albums. This album is definitely more rock than the self-titled album but was just different from the older types. The sounds on this one was more punchy fast type of rock than the solid/strong/raw sounds of the previous ones...
That said, I'm quite sorry that I didn't get into this album as much as I should have... They're still AWESOME songs and I remember thinking that Giggle and Glass ball would be AMAZING songs to rock out live and when they played like 6 songs from the album back to back in the december show, MAN!! it WAS damn breathtaking!
That said, yeah... I'm really sad I don't lsiten to this album much, especially even after Sou said to me that they really have alot of confidence in this album....

Entrance: Best Of Lunkhead Age 18-27 (dude their titles are all turning ENGLISH!!! wthhhhh!)
Release Date: 5 March 2008
Track List:
ENTRANCE/Sengawa Doori wa Yuu Kaze datta (千川通りは夕風だった)/Shiroi Koe (白い声)/Zenshin Boku Senjou he Album Version (前進/僕/戦場へ(アルバム・バージョン))/ Gekkou Shounen (月光少年)/ Taion (体温)/ Hightlight (ハイライト)/ Purukerima (プルケリマ)/Indigo (インディゴ)/Canaria Vox (カナリア ボックス)/Hikari no Machi (光の街)/ Bokura no Senaka to Taiyou to (僕らの背中と太陽と)/ Kirari iro (きらりいろ)/ Natsu no Nioi (夏の匂い)/ Swarouteiru (スワロウテイル)/ Tokyo ni te (東京にて(new ver.))/ Boku to ki (僕と樹(new ver.))
SO! Muahahahahaha!! The songs here are definitely fan favourites! Best of Lunkhead... hmmmm...!!!! But why is Sakura Biyori not in??? Actually, it's weird!! I think Sakura Biyori is such a great song but actually, during live, not many fans actually rock out to the song.. But they're all crazy over Kirari iro tho!!!
Of coz being me, I like all of the songs that made it into this album especially the likes of Purukerima, Indigo, Zenshin Boku Senjou he, Hikari no Machi, Taion, Canaria Vox and I DEFINITELY LOVE that they put Tokyo nite and ESPECIALLY Boku to Ki and REMADE them in this album!!
But of coz, when fans could vote for their 3 favourite songs online to be on the album, I voted for Komorebi, Tsuki to Tenohira and Yuugure no.... WHICH.... had
ABSOLUTELY NO chance in hell in getting into the album!! (although I thought Tsuki to Tenohira might have stood a chance)... There are no slow songs on this album except for Bokura no Senaka to Taiyou to.... but i think that one is a band favourite for nostalgic purposes! haha! Actually I wonder which 3 fan voted song made it into the album...
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this album (i want to see the booklet!! I hope it has really nice stuff in it!!!), to the new single Subarashii Sekai (which promised those old hard rock tunes!), and most definitely to the new album in April!!! It's an exciting year people!!!! AND I WILL BE MISSING OUT ON ALL THE ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......................................
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