Monday, January 21, 2008

5 1/2 Years Post-Finch

Wow. It seems that FINALLY 5 1/2 years after the night of Nate Barcalow and Finch in Sheffield, I am FINALLY able to listen to Finch as I once did, with love, admiration, passion and most importantly... DETACHMENT.

Wow, finally, 5 years later... The songs are just songs. it's so refreshing to be able to listen to these songs again, like they are new...

Sometimes... I'm afriad I've doomed Lunkhead to the same wretched corner as I once had flung Finch into.... Bands who and whose song mean too much to me for me to listen to... that... sickeningly, I don't listen to them at all because they mean too much to me and I am unwilling to relive a memory that is too sweet that it pains me too much to recall...

that's just stupid. NE?

Taking Back Sunday, on the other hand, seems timeless... yeah, at least you're the only surviving one, no? HM! Then again, how can one ever deny the sounds of Cute Without the "e"???

can't you see that I want to be there with open arms?


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