16th because my dad threw a really nice party for me with all my friends.
19th coz i just made myself remember the other day, with Kevin and KDU friends at Planet Hollywood (I think...)
21st coz I flew out to Florida to see Days Away and to celebrate it with them. Tim threw up, i almost got arrested, Keith bought me a drink (and then dinner and did i mention lunch too? shite, i owe him ALOT!).... it was abit of a mess but fun.
And these are this year's:
I celebrated it with my department... =) it was really fun =)
I saw the cake and I saw like "Mrs." there first and I thought they spelt it wrongly... then I saw YOSHITARO... WTH =________= I was looking at Asuka and Karin and they were smirking away. hahahaha WTH =_________=
hahaahah... SERIOUSLY! and i thought I was the one obsessed but it seems that hey! so is everyone else it seems! wat the heck! hahahahaha
Neways, it was really sweet of them =)
They all also bought me flowers and a bag =)))
Here's with Mrs. Tan *heart*
Here's with the whole department and all my students =)
The three youngest lecturer at college.... I'm the oldest of the three, followed by Angeline (on the right), and Phooi Wah (on the left)
Well what can I say?
When my father asks why I don't quit my job, why am i staying at MCKL shit pay shit job, When my brother looks at me with his disaproving face and chastise me with his disaproving voice... What can I say?
I can't say anything, but to show them these pictures... and SHOW them the REASON why I stayed... and I suppose.. why i am still continuing to stay... despite the shit pay and the shit jobs haha.
Also, I want to say thank you to all who called or texted or wished me Happy Birthday: Daniel, YYY, Lillien, Rachel, Alex, Vivian, Ching Mun, Debby, Aida Yazrin, Aida Sam, Mom, Dad... and errr... lupa.. hahahah SORRY! hahahah and THANKS MAN EVERYONE =) thanks for remembering and for taking the time to wish =) *loves*
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