Actually, do i like Akio THATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT much to spend all that time and effort and money making it??? Probably not hahaha! But I did spent alot of money on it you know. And my mom said to me that I would never finish the scarf coz i never do finish anything i start, and I knew she was right. So... at many point, I just HAD TO finish it because I knew, I knew, I have to prove myself wrong.
It all started at Boston when i went to that button store to look for beads and i saw all these really nice yarn and had an urge to learn how to knit to make something for Akio (don't ask why but i just did!!!)
So i did pick up how to learn to knit when i got to LA three months ago and started on knitting the scarf when i got back to Malaysia in October.
Actually, this project is quite international huh??? Idea conceived in Boston, started in Los Angeles, finished in Kuala Lumpur and ends up in Kyoto. wow hahah.
So for this scarf, I used two different blue yarns. I casted 40 stitches, 2 knits and 2 purls and that's how i got the pattern for it.
2 knits, 2 purls.
For the package, i bought a cute pig box. hehe.
I wanted to put an extra bear soft toy in it coz the box looked abit blank, don't you think? But i didn't do that in the end.
Also, i had a card for Akio.
Inside the card, I composed a message in Japanese (WUAHAHA!!! terrible~ >_<) and also some English and wrote the message in my terrible Japanese writing (dude, KANJI DUDE!)
My message to Akio in the card:
冬は寒いですね?私は君にこれスカーフを編みました。お誕生日とクリスマスと正月のプレゼントです。お誕生日おめでとうございます! Merry Christmas! 明けましておめでとうございます! でも。。。これスカーフはきれいじゃないですね? そして、ちょっと小さくて、短いです。ごめんなさい。だから家に使います。
Sorry I cannot write in Kanji and my Japanese is bad!!! Anyway, I hope you like it. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and I know you will have a wonderful year next year. Keep in touch!
To Akio,
Winter is cold right? I knitted this scarf for you. It is a present for your birthday, Christmas and new year. Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! But... this scarf is not pretty, right? And it is a little short and small. Sorry. That's why, use it at home.
Actually, haha i was really surprised the sentence i constructed in Japanese for "I knitted this scarf for you" was actually gramatically correct!!! hahaha... Watashi wa kimi ni kore sukaafu o amimashita. I wondered if i should put scarf at the begining of the sentence, or then where do i put the "for you" in the sentence? But i remembered that the particle "wo" is used to act the verb upon the object. So the object here is Scarf and the verb is knit, therefore scarf has to come in the middle before the verb.......... or something along those lines~~~~ :S But i guess, I DID learn something from those Japanese classes huh!!!
I called Akio today and he had already recieved the gift. I sent it via Post Laju, it actually took only 2 days to arrive to Japan.
Anyway he said he liked it. DUHHHHHH if he said he didn't like it I'll really go there to strangle him!!! lol...
Typical of Akio he explained that his computer broke and that was why he couldn't go online to write me an email about the gift...
Actually, Akio saying that is exactly the reason why he'd probably be the only person I'd spend all the time, effort and money knitting something for.
ACTUALLY, yesterday I called Post Laju to check to see if the package had arrived safely and I found out that the item was already delivered and received on Monday. But yet, I was abit dissapointed that Akio didn't message or email me about it. But I also told myself "he's probably busy, that's why he didn't have the time." And sure enough, there was some very valid reason as to why he didn't contact me and he explained it to me.
That in itself illustrates alot of why I like Akio. Or i feel that all the effort I would put into making it for him is worthwhile.
Because, Akio is one of the few people I know that never ever purposefully offend or hurt others. He has a very very kind heart that people should never doubt his kindness, purity and sincerity. You can trust him. Trust him that he would never be someone who would intentionally be mean or unkind.
That is something I truly admire and believe in Akio for-- and I find myself always having to teach my paranoid self to trust him and in the end Akio always emerge as one whom I can trust and believe in.
Even back then while we were still friends in Northridge, everytime my paranoid and posessive self bears its ugly head, Akio always proves my accusations and paranoia wrong-- and always makes me realize how wicked my heart can be to be always thinking all these awful things about him.
I think he's a wonderful person. Almost free of any malice or ill intentions. Someone, rare, that truly posess a pure heart to the core.
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