Friday, August 18, 2006
the one who wins the fight ultimately belongs to the person who has most power.

in the end the richer will rule.
the smarter will conquer.
the more successful will be the winner.

whether they are right or wrong, whether both parties are equal or imbalance.

I actually feel really bad for my coworker. Even though sometimes he can be thick skinned and abit of annoying, in the end, he's a really good person at heart and would not do any harm to anyone intentionally. I feel really bad for him. Maybe even more so cause i was a bitch to him sometimes.
I mean he has his flaws but I think in his heart, he's a really good person. and I'm really sorry that because of his flaws sometimes, it's hard or people don't see the beauty that he posesses. I really feel sorry for him. I hope things get better for him...


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