Monday, July 31, 2006


I'm so glad Akio liked the shirt i got him!!!

So... I've always wanted to get Akio something... u know like random gift to keep in touch with him... but i have not.... I've always wanted to get him those Abercrombie t-shirts he liked to buy when we went shopping in Northridge mall...

SOOO... about two weeks ago i went shopping for those T-shirts and I COULD NOT FIND IT!!!!!! So i went to this American Eagle store cause i couldn't find Abercrombie and AE design sucks... SUCKS betul!!!

Neways, so on Newbury St where i was there was an FCUK store right opposite AE... So i went there and U KNOW WHAT??? FCUK's T-Shirt designs are wayyyyyy nicer than AE...

NEWAYS! So I was gonan get him a T-Shirt but then i thought "he's gonna graduate soon... he won't be wearing T-Shirts anymore would he?".... SO I thought, "hmm.. he'll be working soon... so maybe I'll get him a work Shirt instead... and hopefully he can wear it to work in future... that'd be nice...."

SOOO That's what i got him... It's a blue long sleeved shirt.. with colar of course.. He likes blue color (I remembered)... uRm... Actually, the design is abit common... it's not like FCUK styled... It's blue with thin white vertical stripes... So kinda look like normal shirt... Cutting design also looks the normal.. nothing stylish... Budden, that's alright isn't it? And I also thought it might have been abit too.... bright.. It was baby blue colored... And i was thinking "hmmm all these conservative Japanese companies... Who knows! maybe any other color besides dark colors are banned!" So i suppose it was good this shirt didn't have any weird designs on it.... There was another cool working sytle shirt i saw that i really liked... but the pocket part, the cutting was abit weird to make this cool design... But I thought maybe he wouldn't be able to wear it to work at those conservative companies. WHO KNOWS.

But neways i got the blue one for Akio anyway... Nice, deshoo? I hope so...

NEWAYS... then after wrapping it up (to send it) and writing my card... I thought "waittttttttttttttttttt a second...... It might NOT be APPROPRIATE for me to actually buy him a shirt 'to wear when you start work'...." isn't it?
Well i mean... the thing is that, a) dis guy although we're close but he's still a Japanese guy, u know... He has even told me before not to touch him in public (it's inappropriate) b) i mean isn't stuff like buying clothings reserved for MOTHERSSSSS and girlfriends? so... hmmm...

I thought so too..

So I asked Maya to make sure.......... at least she doesn't have problems with cultural differences with Akio... PLUS, she knew Akio too :)

Neways... So our conclusion was that i should email Akio to explain why i got him the gift... So i did just that: Congradulations on graduating and the new job.

Actually, i suppose i was worried about the whole thing was because... well, i came damn close to having Akio hate me before (YOU KNOW ME LA!!!!!)... So i was really scared of offending him again, you know? Though of course, I know he has a kind heart and he doesn't just hate anyone for no valid reason... But then again, i DO NOT understand guys! So i DO NOT wanna take a chance!!!! haha.

ANYWAYSSSS SO TODAYYYYY... Akio got the gift... AND HE LIKES IT! ^^ So i am happy... He says it fits him and he likes it! ^^ hehe... I am happy... So all that worry was for nothing.... :)

So why did i get the gift again? I HAVE NO IDEA... but i think very long time ago when i was 14, my brother taught me how to just do stuff for others without the need for occasion or reason to show that they are in our thoughts and we care about them... I guess, ever since i learnt that from my brother... I have always been like that...

ALTHOUGH, i admit... I always fail to show my care towards the people I should REALLY be caring for........ But please know in my heart of hearts... I care about all of you lots! :)

Anyway, THE POINT IS THAT... the whole situation would not have escalated into what it did IF DAMN BOSTON HAD AN ABERCROMBIE STORE! haha

nuff said...

n btw... i DO NOTTTTTTTTTT wanna see FCUK having a sudden 70% sale either!!!!!!!!!!!! *stab* *stab*

EDIT: Maya just told me!! Akio actually blogged about it (hehe like i am too :-P) on his Mixi blog... heheheh... WELL IT'S ALL IN JAPANESE and i had not added him on my Mixi buddy list so i don't know what he said... But Maya told me he liked it alot and he's glad cause he had not had time to go for shopping... hehe.... SO THAT'S GOOD NEWS NE!?! *phew*

welll.... "the only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll finally get it right".... well... Thank u Akio... for not making it WRONG. :) CAUSE I ALWAYS GET IT WRONG.


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