Oh yeah.... I think that words at the side with the Kanji and stuff, it's Mirai no Kakera.... ALSO one of AKFG's song...... I think i like that song the best, and the next song i love is called Compass... I love Compass more in the Live version cause damn, they sound so energetic. And the only character i can read in those 5 things is "no" cause that's hiragana right????? Ouh... and i think Mirai no Kakera is translated as fragments of the future? I know that kakera means fragments/pieces? and no is the posessive particle right? and then mirai is future..... so i don't get why it's not future's fragment........ cause if ani no shigoto is Brother's job... then why isn't mirai no kakera = future's fragment? hmmmmmmmmmmm........... AS I SAID: Nihongo wa sukoshi sukoshi wakarimasu!!!!
anyways....... erm here's a link to a Asian Kung Fu Generation website with some soundbite!
http://home.arcor.de/a.k.g/ go to the media section and they even have Compass there: Rashinban it's called. AND THE SITE IS IN ENGLISH TOO!!!!!!!!! Eigo desu!!
anyways......... this was how the PREVIOUS layout was SUPPOSE to look like.
so anyways, will post more later.
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