here's what they've said about each other!
-the lovely couple!!! Okay, i think it's about time to officiate it, Tim and Chaz!! PLEASE!
(pic taken from Warmer Than Fire vid- the single Ash vid i love the most cause it's an awesome song and it's about love, and the vid has mostly Tim there and CHARLOTTE, so it's almost as if he's singing the song about her! haha!)
Back in 97
What would she (Charlotte) be like to go out with?
Tim: "I don't think it would be very serious... Oh God, I don't fucking know."
Rick: "Not my type."
Tim: "I can see how she'd be attractive to a lot of people, but again, not my type. It'd be like sleeping with your sister."
Mark: "It's like I can say Tim's a good-looking guy, but, you know, he doesn't do anything for me."
What's his (Tim) most appealing quality?
All: "His arse."
Charlotte: "He's got a really lovely arse in his tight blue jeans."
Rick: "Oh it looks good. Being the drummer, all I get to see onstage is Tim's arse."
Is he (Tim) a hit with the opposite sex?
Rick: "Yeaaaah."
Charlotte: "Because of his..."
Rick: "Stature?"
Charlotte: "Apparently he has got a big one."
Back in 97
How does she (Charlotte) get on with them individually?
"Well, Rick is probably the easiest to get on with," she begins, carefully, "because he doesn't get too riled by anything. Mark is... very hard. Sometimes he can be quite hard to communicate with. That's just a case of getting to know him, I think. After a year [laughs nervously], it hasn't really progressed a lot. Tim's just so... You can't find any fault with him really. But sometimes it's hard to talk to him too cos he's so immersed in all this stuff that's going on and he's got so much to deal with."
Even though it's a ridiculous question, it has to be asked: if she was absolutely forced - at gun-point, whatever - to have a sexual relationship with one of them, which would she choose?
"Oh God, I dunno," she gasps in mock horror. "God. Well, I won't say Mark cos I've had threatening letters about touching him. I won't say Tim cos I'll probably get threatening letters. Maybe poor old Rick. Yeah... [purring mock seductively] maybe Rick."
Rick McMurray
"Yeah, I suppose she's right," considers Rick, assured master of the dry quip, in response to Charlotte's earlier frank admission. "If I was forced to have a sexual relationship with anyone in the band, it would be me."
Early 98
Tim: Charlotte Hatherley
Rick: For being stupid enough to join our band.
(aww! u know... i found it really sweet that Tim actually did say Charlotte. don't ya think?! seriously)
Back in 98
Talking of the fair Ms. Hatherley, how's she been acquitting herself in the studio?
"Terrible. She hasn't made us breakfast in bed or darned our socks once," says Wheeler disgustedly.
Back in 99
Charlotte on modelling for Calvin Klein
"I haven't seen the finished pictures ye, just the polaroids. They were a bit anal about it, wouldn't even let me take photos of the set! It was alright, except the photograher kept calling me Dolores, that bint from the Cranberries, which was a bit fucking offensive! Tim looked really fucking hot - all fucked up in smudged eyeliner - and I just had cat-like make-up to the max. I felt like a bit of a Chiswick scruff amid all those cameras, though, so I'm sure they'll airbrush me to fuck!"
Back in 2001
TOTP: Who's got the most annoying habits?
Both: Charlotte.
Rick: Yeah, she just stinks really!
Tim: Oh, she doesn't stink, but she's just very forgetful and leaves things everywhere.
Rick: Untidy and stinky.
Back in 2002
What�s it like being in a band with Charlotte and are there any plans for a Charlotte solo album?
Sender: Richard P.
Tim: �Charlotte is talking about doing a record of her own stuff, so watch this space for that. It is great being in a band with her, of course. She is so down to earth � and although she says she isn�t, she really is one of the lads.�
Rick: �Charlotte has been working on some solo stuff recently but I dunno when it�s going to come out. We always seem to get people asking us is anyone in the band shagging Charlotte but it�s like: �Nah. We ain�t going there�.�
Tim, are you single?
Sender: Aisling Walsh
Tim: �No, I�m not, actually.�
(damn tim.. say Charlotte)
Back in 2002
Charlotte Hatherley, hanging out and hamming it up, is making David Bowie stage moves with her hands, singing the words to 'China Girl'. She's a big fan. Tomorrow she'll walk up to him backstage and introduce herself, and he, in turn, will be gracious and friendly. She'll return to her table physically shaking from the experience. She'll tell you that 'Absolute Beginners' got her through her "difficult" teenage years. She'll then do a lousy Bowie impression, and look confused when you can't work out who it is she's impersonating. She looks thrilled when she's told that she's just been 'checked out' by a fireman. She drops to the floor and kicks her right leg, like a rock star.
How come you don't do those moves onstage?
"Because I have a guitar to play."
She smiles as it's suggested that the guitar probably isn't actually even plugged in, that Charlotte Hatherley is really just eye candy.
"Yeah, and not very good-looking eye candy at that," says Tim Wheeler.
Tim gets a slap.
Looking up at the billboards hung outside the Virgin Megastore, she fixes on a picture of the baby adorning the cover of the new Papa Roach record.
"Aren't babies cute?" she asks.
Are you getting broody?
"Yes. Do you want to help me out?"
Charlotte Hatherley says things like this all the time, to everyone. She'll tell you that she's off to play with her "fanny fiddle" - "get it right if you're going to put that in the piece" - and that she's off to "have a quick shag" with Tim Wheeler (it would have to be, they're back within five minutes).
October 2002
There always seems to be a strong chemistry onstage between Tim and Charlotte. Is there anything we should know about?
Rosie Mockford, Gloucestershire
Charlotte Hatherley: [Coyly] All will be revealed.
Tim Wheeler: [Laughing] We've been trying to keep it secret for a while, but it seems to be leaking out.
Rick McMurray: If you want to know the real story, all the sexual tension in the band revolves around me.
CH: Yeah, if the truth be told, I'm really using Tim to get to Rick.
RM: That's because everyone loves my riser. My drum riser.
FALL IN LOVE DUDE!!!!!!!!! FALL IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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