Isshiki-san's iTunes!
I'd give my.... parts of my liver... to have a chance to scroll through Isshiki-san's itunes music library!!!!!!!
No, but seriously, I would...!!!
I damn like to know what he listens to and I want to know more bands!!!!! I think he's an excellent resource!! Seems like he listens to an incredible archive of music yo!!! Well yeah, okay, he's a musician...
Anyway, while we're on that... I really want to know more bands... There's this one guy in the forum I always download music from, Shiba-san... DUDE, I think like 99% of all the Japanese bands I checked out, at least 70% of all the albums were downloaded off him!!! He always password protects his files with his nickname, and whenever i unzip a file and forgot the password, most I can try"shiba" and it would be correct! hahahaha..
Anyway, I was browsing through all this posts today and it's incredible all these bands that he knows! Well, through time I have gone through and checked out 90% of those bands already, but it's just amazing how he knows these bands!!! Well, he's in Japan for one...
I mean, I really admire people who know like a zillion bands! Or knows ALL the bands in a single genre... And I really admire some of these dudes who are not in Japan but know just an awesome amount of bands! It's incredible!!!
But I just think it's hard and quite impossible to get to know fairly new and unknown BUT AWESOME bands without actually being in the country.
Sometimes reading through some of the japanese blogs, it's so envious! To be there! And to be able to just check out and know all these new and upcoming and all these indie bands, I think that's an amazing thing that I wish I could do.
Like you know we were in Japan and I was with Akio and just walking along Kamo river, and across Kamo River this band was playing their songs in the frigid winter. But the song was just amazing! And it sounded even more amazing and added to the movie-like atmosphere of that night!! I mean can you imagine it?? Walking along Kamo River in the cold, in Japan, and you're happy and you're with your friend... and to add to the moment is a live soundtrack! lol~
Anyway, the band was great!!! But....... you HAD TO be there (in Japan) to have gotten to know them.
That's what I mean.
I wish I was there.
Or, at least have a chance to look through Isshiki-san's playlist. lol!
New DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Live limitation only............ WHY ALWAYS LIKE THAT, LUNKHEAD??? WHY????
Anyway, AME is great!!! She's helping me to get them!! She's always soooooo super amazing!!! Flying from Hong Kong to Japan just for live all the time!!! And always so kind to help me buy goods!!! THANK YOU AME!!!!
Anyway, I was thinking about music and I really feel a little sad because I feel that I am stuck on Lunkhead's 月と手のひら (Tsuki to Tenohira)... I mean don't get me wrong, I love their other songs too and I feel that because I am a Lunkhead fan, I shouldn't JUST love ONE SONG too much!!!!! I think they have excellent songs and Odaka-san writes amazing tunes!! But... STILL, if you ask me what is my favourite Lunkhead song, or to recommend a Lunkhead song, it will ALWAYS be Tsuki to Tenohira!!!
It's just that... I that this song has a timeless beauty to it. I don't know how to describe it but.... This one song, it's just beautiful all over again, you know? I mean, I think this is probably the song I have heard the most often in my whole life. If added together from all the playcounts from 3 years ago till now, I think I've heard this song more than 1500 times.. (that's not much, actually, huh!!)...
But anyway... Sometimes, yes, I feel very burn out from the song, also... Like after listening to it too often, it loses its appeal..... Or I know that after the December live 2 years ago... I felt very sad to listen to Tsuki to Tenohira because it reminded me of too wonderful memories that were too painful to recall... So, I didn't listen as much... And also, other songs were released and they were all excellent songs too..!
But now again, listening to Tsuki to Tenohira again and.............. I hear and am moved by the beauty of the song once again.... I mean, it may be a very simple song, but I don't know how to describe it, but just the myriads of sounds that spreads out and converges in the song... and the simple beauty of the acoustic guitar, and the placid sad touching meaning of the words just... blends together in this song...
Would I call a perfect song? Well, maybe not to others.
But, in MY opinion, this is THE best song. EVER.
IS THAT TOO MUCH???? Sorry Lunkhead!!! I really love your other songs too!! But this song is too beautiful!!!! And it always makes me fall in love with it again and again!!!!
That's so funny! I know exactly what forum you're talking about; LOVE that shiba guy! whenever he posts something its an automatic download; almost like a reflex action haha.
I came here through your lastFM profile, (just accepted your friend request).
I don't mean to spam or anything but I help run this site that I think you'd be very interested in. It mainly centres around the not so mainstream jp rock bands.
I think you'll enjoy it!
happy listening!