I've said before right? That the camaraderie of fans are just amazing! And today, again, was a perfect example of it!!!
Tsuyoshi has a friend, whom till today I didn't even know his name, who is a huge Lunkhead fan. When Tsuyoshi accompanied me to the Tower Records Lunkhead live last June, he met his friend there. His friend was incredibly shocked to see Tsuyoshi there because he told Tsuyoshi that Lunkhead is such an unknown band, so it was amazing that Tsuyoshi was even there... And then he was shocked that Tsuyoshi was there to accompany me! Hehehe.. So anyway, I also met him again in the December show because the Tsuyoshi actually had planned to go with his friend for the first December show..
ANYWAY... it's this friend Nagami-san whom I have been asking Tsuyoshi to help me to buy alot of the Lunkhead goods that are live specials...
ANYWAY.... so, I asked him to help me get the Lunkhead Photobook at Mikan Matsuri this year...... He got it for me, and TODAY I received the package...
BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT~~!!! I WAS SO SHOCKED!!! AND INCREDIBLY TOUCHED!!! He not only bought the Photobook for me, he also got me the cellphone strap that I was too shy to ask him to help me buy!!!! And he sent me LOADSSSSSS of other Lunkhead goods that i never asked for from previous live!!!!
(LOOK AT ALL THAT STUFF!!! WTH!!! It was like receiving a TOTALLY unexpected INCREDIBLE surprise gift!!!! I only expected or asked for ONE item and look at ALL the amazing wonderful goods i got instead!!! I'm so shocked and touched that I'm really speechless!!!!)
He sent me some Lunkhead fliers and some of those handout magazines with lunkhead article in it, he even sent me a Lunkhead PEN! And, he also sent me a Lunkhead bag!!! In addition, he even sent me the Lunkhead plastic bag that you get when you buy goods at the live... Not just one of the bag but two!!! Oh, and he also sent me a poster I've not even opened yet!!! Also, he included a Natsu no Nioi fan and he even sent me this special Lunkhead article that, I think, is a Chockyu special fan magazine!!!! And as if that was not enough, he even included a DVD of the Studio Coast live that he ripped himself!!!
Nagami-san's letter~~
I'm so incredibly touched by his kindness!!! I never expected it!!!!! Totally incredible that I don't have words to describe how wonderful I think his thoughtfulness and kindness are!!!
I mean, I'm really, really, really touched... It's like I never asked for it... but to me, I feel like he knew how much it would mean to me as a fan and he sent them!!
ALSO, I MUST thank TSUYOSHI too!!! Because it was him who always helped me with Lunkhead!!! And it was him who helped me ask his friend!!! Without Tsuyoshi, I would have never have experience so much happiness~~~~!!!! Thank you, Tsuyoshi~~~ You really put a smile on my face~~!! ^______^
ALL THAT SAID.... I also MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST thank ~~~~Ame~~~~!!!! I'm really sorry I have not posted about it yet because I was really busy at that time!! BUT HERE'S ANOTHER GREAT FAN!! Lunkhead fans are just amazing!!!!!!
Ame is incredible!!!! She was sooooooooooooo wonderful enough to be willing to help me buy soooooo many special Lunkhead goods when she went for the live!!!! SORRY I trouble you so much!!!!
She helped me buy the Studio Coast Limited Edition DVD!!!!!!!! Yoshitaro drew the illustration!!!! THANK YOU, AME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She even helped me get a Lunkhead bag!!!!!!!! The bag is soooooooo cute!!!!
And also a T-Shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The T-Shirt is soooooooooo cute!!! I cannot imagine Odaka-san wearing it!!! hahaha!! So cute!!!! hahahaha
And lastly, she even included a nice button badge for me!!!
I'm really really touched by their kindness and their actions~~~!!!! I feel like, because of this band, because we love the same music and we like the same band, it's like..... we have a bond!! I really feel it...... And I really thank you, Ame, and I really thank you Nagami-san, for making all of us feel like we are all part of a big, big Lunkhead family!!!!!!!! Even though we come from different countries, even though we don't know each other for a long time~~ Thank you sooooo much for your wonderful kindness that reaches beyond~~ because of a band and because of their music~~!!
I really really really don't know what to say.... I am so touched by all these kindness and helpfulness that I just cannot believe it.... because it's so wonderful~~~! And it's BEYOND imagination, you know???? It's just so incredible.......
This week has also been a GOODS week!!!
I got my package from Japan and I got つばき CDs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry i didn't buy new ones but at least I supported the band and bought the original CDs right???? I have all the songs already, but these are the majority of Tsubaki's CDs that I still don't have... They have ALOT of singles and albums... And I think right now, there are maybe 2 or 3 CDs that I don't yet have....
Oh and Incredible!!! The Hanabi single, although used copy, still had the Tsubaki limited edition sticker included in it!! hehehe...
Oh! And I also got the DVD a few weeks back too! hehehe...
And most of all, thank you, God, for ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS blessing me with such incredible friends that I don't deserve.... Thank you so much....