I think the crappy part of my our personality in this family definitely came from my grandma hahaha..
So today, I went with my mom to take my grandma to the hospital to get her leg scanned and checked. She's been limping around for a few months. So anyway, we were stuck there quite long and we discovered me grandma had some torn ligament (yeah like those that you hear footballers get so very often).
AFTER the hospital thingy we went to have lunch and my grandma and I got talking about her death haha.. err yeah... haha. So we were talking about how she said she's leaving her money behind for her kids and the girls (grandkids) will get her gold jewelry.. and i was like "to hell with gold jewellry! I want MONEY!!!" then she said "but money have no memories and sentimental value to it," then i said "SO???? I WANT MONEY! Money is the most important!"
Anyway, I'm not that heartless haha. I asked her if i could have her jade bracelet. Actually not the one she was wearing but the one she broke. Coz apparently, the one that broke was given to her by my great grandma. It was a pair and they had belonged to my great grandpa. After he died, those two jade bracelets were all my great grandma found. So, my grandma has one now and she gave the other one to my mom. So i told my grandma i want the broken one... nice right? like a family heirloom or something (though it's broken).
We then got to talking about the grave plot my grandma bought haha. She was annoucing so excitedly that she got herself a grave plot.
And I said "yeah i know, i saw it."
she was like "yeah yeah, it's in Nilai and..."
and i said "and it's beside a frigging HIGHWAY."
Then she was like "yes!! that's very nice!"
I was like "what the hell?? what do you mean nice? how is the highway nice?"
Then, she said, "cause it's very festive (she used the chinese word "yuet lau" 热闹)"
and i was like "WTF?????????????"
she laughed and i asked, "how the heck is the HIGHWAY yuet lau??"
And she said "there's alot of car sound."
Then she went on to explain how she got the plot becuase my dad told her that he will cremate her when she dies. My grandma refused to have her body cremated. So she said she went to get the plot so now even if my dad wanted to cremate her, he can't, coz there's already a grave plot for her. WTFFFFF.
But seriously, my grandma is like absolutely against us cremating her. I asked her, what if when we all grow up and mom and dad and all are dead and it's just left me and my bro, michelle, claudine and ken, THENNNN can we like dig up her bones and have it cremated. she was like -_- NO.
and i was like.
wtf??? but we're not gonna like go take care of the grave and all you know.
the my grandma did the funniest shit ever. she was like "if you cremate a body even the leg bones will shrivel up like this" and she showed with her two index finger as the leg bones curling up and she did this digusted kind of wince. fucking cute and fucking funny!
dude! it was priceless!
So i guess i can't cremate my grandma huh!!!!! geezzz for the rest of my life we'll have to go to her grave then after she dies huh! geezzz
haha.. poor grandma!
haha. She is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO against cremation hahahaha