that's Adam...
He sings for TBS and he writes some songs for TBS...
the thing is that... Adam's been getting some bad rep lately cause TBS nearly broke up last April cause of Adam... Adam was dating the sister of John who was his bestfriend/guitarist/songwriter of TBS... and Adam cheated on John's sister not once but twice... and the second time he cheated on her John had enough of it and said "if I can't trust you to be faithful to my sister, how can i trust you with the band" and subsequently left the band along with bassist Shaun.... da thing is that John is the backbone of TBS cause he writes most of the songs and so we fans for a while day really thought TBS was a gonner.... (read my past blogs during that period to see my laments! haha!)... but well, thankfully, they didn't break up... TBS got back and John formed his new band with Shaun and heh, his sister Michelle Nolan =D called Straylight Run (
I got the wonderful opportunity to see TBS live two weeks ago when they played in 2 shows in LA... First show was at the Roxy and it was specially for fans on their mailing list. And second show was for the talk show Jimmy Kimmel...
So anyway...
I have always liked Adam cause he's really intense on stage. If you had read or bothered to read ;) my past emails when I first saw TBS live back in April, I had mentioned that if there was anyone who could match Nate's intensity on stage, it would be Adam...
But he just had a bad rep, that's all...
Anyway.... both these shows really made me like adam more and I say screw it to all those bad things circulating around about Adam.. I mean I don't care what he did in his personal life, but as a band, he is one of the more awesome people in bands I've met in my life.
First, I went for their Roxy show and well we were all waiting outside to be let in... And then to my shock, at like 7:30pm when the place was swirming with 500 of TBS biggest fans, I see ADAM popping out from the FRONT DOOR of the club! I was totally surprised! Cause headlining bands RARELY EVER come out to meet fans cause it's just too dangerous and tiring! And here Adam was actually coming out at this hour!! and not just that man... TBS wasn't just HEADLINING, it was a SPECIAL TBS SHOW FOR TBS FANS! i was just really shocked...
But I did go talk to Adam and I asked him what I had wanted to ask him "hey, you should write a book!" hahahaha which he really should cause I love his writing style!!! (to read my utmost favourite Adam's writing: And we talked abit and he was REALLY TALL and polite! haha! But anyways, I was again starstruck and well, dumb... so didn't say much :(
So anyway... that was that.... made me respect Adam alot....
AND THEN... there was the Jimmy Kimmel show.
The gates was only gonna open at like 9pm... but some of us kids got there early. THe first girl got there at 9am... then my friend at 1pm and then I got there at 2pm cause I wanted front row mosh pit and TBS is notorious for drawing early crowds... so I got there at 2pm... But anyway... by like 5pm there was quite a queue there already, at least 20-30 kids... and then around like 6pm... a white SUV pulled up the front gate and the windows were down and there they were TBS!!
and all us fans cheered like mad for them and they in turn cheered back!!
so the car went inside then the next thing u know, 5 minutes later ADAM walks out!!!!!
and he stood there at the side of the line just like 1 meter from me and he annouced "hey, I just wanna thank you guys for coming out so early just to support us. It really means alot to me seriously," and he bowed to us..
THAT WAS JUST AWESOME don't you think?!
and so yeah, kids then went up to him for pictures and autograph and me and my friend was there and we were really shy... then I had my journal with me... and I remember I had scribbled on one of the pages back in July "TAKING BACK SUNDAY IS PLAIN AWESOME" and I suddenly had the idea to write down "So tell me Adam, what do you think of TBS?" and ask him to write down his answer!
So I did just that!!
I wrote down "so tell me Adam, what do you think of TBS?" and I went to Adam and told him to write his answer and he was like "what do I think of tbs?"... he took the pen and wrote "I think they are cute" then he stopped did some autograph and came back to me and added. "Really really cute". hehehehehe... then I told him to write his name and he was like "my name?" and I was like "yeah, so people know you said it, write like "adam says"," so he was like "oh okay!" and wrote "A says,"
heheheheeh.... so that's why now I like to refer to TBS's song Cute Without The "E" (Cut From The Team) as... Cute Without John (Cut From The Team)!! hahahahaha....
awww John... actually I love John too! he is a brilliant man who writes brilliant music... with BEAUTIFUL Michelle Nolan! (she looks REALLY good actually!) hahaha... so go check out that band k!
But yeah...
I think Adam's really nice to kids... seriously....
Back last year Adam would regularly post on the TBS yahoo msg board and after shows he would usually post out his thank you to fans for coming out to support them. that it means alot to him. and he thanks them for actually singing along the song...
He actually went up to Luis after a show and thanked Luis for singing along during the show! hahaha... that's awesome, you know, that's really awesome.
Like for most of their shows, he would really thank the fans... I still remember him saying back in April in one of the Palace shows he said "it's not about who's up here that matters. It's about who's down there looking up at the person up here that matters"-- and at the Roxy show he also thanked the fans again saying "thanks for coming out here to see us. It really means alot to me. I really appreciate it".
Although he repeats it again at the Jimmy Kimmel show or in the msg board or anywhere else, you still know that he's sincere.... cause I mean seriously, adam did NOT have to walk out to meet us and to thank us at all, but the fact is that he ACTUALLY did! and that rates really high in my book. |