so i have not been blogging much huh! Nothing to write abt pretty much. Some about erm.............. Nigel, of course, but pretty much nothing much besides that.
still have not been fired from work yet. got drunk today and no, it wasn't at work. tried non fat milk today, hmmm it tasted real nice actually cause it was abit sweet. weather is getting bitterly cold and i realized this morning that Fall was pretty much a season of decay. Don't you think? And i feel that nature is so weird/awesome in the sense that, you know, the withering tree leaves are REALLY pretty but if you think about it, this prettiness is actually a picture of the tree withering away.... cool huh?!
neways, here is a picture of a pretty tree i saw today and see how pretty the leaves can get... all red.
Also, i have put up pics of Boston, Road Trip to Baltimore and my first visit to New York City at this link.
went for Days Away show yesterday and while i was on my way back home riding on the T (subway train)... i felt incredibly happy...
This was my first show in FIVE MONTHS (can u believe it?) and it reminded me again about why i loved going for shows when i first came here to America.
It was the fun of it all, the thrill of it going to the dodgiest place in town and coming home at the most dangerous time possible, but you know, you come back home knowing you went somewhere and you did something that was way out of your routine.
It makes you live a little, breathe a little, and you know, just kick back and relax and just enjoy life for a change you know, to LIVE life for a change and remember all the things that makes life worthwhile.
I had a great time with Days Away yesterday. Austin is no longer in the band because apparently he quit the band cause he is going to marry his girlfriend (so he needs a proper job u know for the house and stuff and also, touring ain't great for a relationship).
But i saw keith and he gave me a big hug and we stood around talking. He was really really thin. And he was feeling cold and i insulted him cause he GREW UP in the east coast! But he said he can't ever get used to it.
Also, when i told keith that i moved to Boston to work, he said that he knew about it already cause Tim told him. So isn't that great??? I called Tim last Thursday to ask if we could hang out when i visit Philadelphia over the weekend (i didn't end up going tho) and i had told Tim i had moved to Boston and worked. So it's so cute/sweet/awesome that Tim actually told Keith! Meaning, they actually talked about me! hehehe ok ok, at least i was brought up right???
Neways, I told keith I missed him. and then he told me back "i've missed you too". Then i told him that it's been awhile since i last saw them, maybe a year and he asked "has it been that long??" Then i asked him abt the walkman he was holding "what's that?" then he sang "la la la la la la la". for practice before the show! hehehe.
Then keith asked about me being in boston and we talked about California, then he said i shud go back there and i said i would just before i got back to Malaysia for good. Then he asked why i had to go back then i said "Unless you marry me then i won't have to!!" then he laughed and I just told him abt the visa being a student visa and all and i have just one more year left. Then he said "but you can come back like to visit right?" then i said "yeah! like when you guys have a BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGG show, i'm gonna come back here! I'm gonna tell the visa guys "yo hey, i'm going for this big ass show!"," hehehe.
Ouh yeah, and for the FIRST TIME EVER yesterday, when keith told me "I'll be right back", he ACTUALLY CAME BACK. WOW.
Neways... although the sound system sucked, 1/2 the band was not around (Austin left and the keyboardist had some family problems to deal with), it still was a great show. It wasn't as UMPH! as their usual shows, it was abit more tame but it was still a great show... cause u know in the end... I really had fun, and it was great going for a show again and especially being in a Days Away mosh pit again...
Anyway, after their set i went to get merch (bought a shirt).. The merch guy was real funny and he even talked to Elaine Teh on the phone. Then cause he pasted the note on the tip box that said "I want to marry my girlfriend but have no money", I gave him a $10 tip! hehehehehe...
Neways, Chris then came to say hi and got a hug from him... I felt really bad towards Chris cause i am closer to Tim and Keith (and austin too) and i did see Chris but i didn't say hi and he probably saw me too. But i was real glad he came and said hi to me. Ouh yeah, Tim also saw me and said hi when he was carrying the drumset on stage.
Neways.... yeah.. So after i bought merch, Keith came then said he had to go buy cigarettes, so he left... Then i watched the last band for awhile then keith came back and started dancing... And poor keith was dancing alone so I went along and danced with him and made a fool of myself of course!! hehe, but Keith was having fun, so we grooved along. Then Keith told me to do that headbanging thing, cause my hair was long, so ahhh, for Keith I'd do it, so i did!! and he absolutely cracked up and then gave me a really really nice close tight hug (ahh shite!! so nice) (plus he's so thin so he could wrap himself around me and it was so easy to hug his entire body too! ^^ hehe). Nice and warm. hehe ^^.
Neways then I told keith he could leave his hair long so he can headbang on stage too. And he said his hair WAS as long as mine but he just cut it the day before, and too off his beanie cap and showed me his hair (hehe)... Neways, after the last band ended their set Keith told me "I'm really glad we got to share that dance together there, that was the most exciting thing that happened to me tonight!" hehehe isn't that night??? dancing bit with elaine even more exciting than performing that night????? hehehehe. Well OKAY the show did suck but it still means alot to me as a person who had dreamt 3 years ago of being at a Days Away show and to have the same person I heard on my radio back home in Malaysia 3 years ago while i dream abt seeing their concert tell me that we dancing abit there was more exciting than THEIR CONCERT that night, truly a dream come true ok!!!
I really liked it also cause it was cool that Keith stuck around with me. Cause usually he wouldn't. He'd be off SOMEWHERE who knows where. But tonite, he always like back back around... Like he was saying hi to another fan then he saw me then he hugged me then dats when we stood around talking. Then he left but he also came back... Then before their set started, i got to stand around him again... Then after their set, when i was at the merch booth, he came over and nudged me, then he said he was going out to buy cigarettes. Then when Chris and Tim left and i was alone watching the last band, when Keith returned he came straight to me and dats when he started dancing, and then it was us dancing. He tried to get the girl infront to dance later but she wouldn't, i think he was just freaking her out (hehehehe) so yeah lor, danced with Keith..
I really had a nice time cause it was fun being able to hang out with Days Away. And then before i left i asked Tim if next time if i do go to Phily and they're not touring, would he come take me around to see Phily he said "Just call me!" hehehe. Yeah i wud man!
Then i said goodbye to Keith, he was talking with two other friends/fans and i felt kinda bad disturbing him and he was trying to ask me to wait a sec first cause he was talking to someone else budden he turned to me and said "you're leaving?" then i said "yeah i gotta catch the train" So then he gave me a hug and then after that he said to me again, "Thanks for coming out to see us tonight, really. And thanks for the dance thing. It was really nice that you could come out to see us"
But u know Keith, it's you that i would always thank... That when i was on the train at 11pm at night in the dingiest place in Boston, and for the first time in two weeks, actually, for the first time in months, i was feeling incredibly happy. For the first time in a very long time now, i felt again that feeling i felt two years ago and everytime after i go for a show that was amazing: the feeling of happiness and just this inner joy... knowing that today, i lived my life a little differently.... and today, in little little ways... i once again had a dream come true...
You know my name, and i still don't know what to say. But i still remember listening to you on my rides around PJ and coming back home from Kuantan, and imagining a skyling and wondering what it would be like to be at your show... And now... it's just wonderful... it's just amazing that.... you know my face, you know my name.... you know who i am.
and perhaps, a year from now, i will probably only have these memories left to carry with me... but i really really don't want to think of that right now...
keith, don't ever forget me okay? even if i am not at your shows anymore ever again one day...
guess dis is why they call Fall Fall huh?

Looks nice and all hor????
Jesse Lacey LIED. No wonder he needed the GIRL to make New England great. at the rate this place is going, it's gonna be more shite in the future months wid da farking SNOW and all. ppl are DAMN UPTIGHT AND UNFRIENDLY. place is farking COLD. food is FRIGGING EXPENSIVE (and they said Los Angeles was BAD!). Da hell. where da fuk is the SUN? why the heck is da food so expensive?? why da hell are people so uptight??? shite...
The more the wind blows the more i miss california. And SERIOUSL-FUKING-LY da people here are SHITE, REAL SHITE. da hell are they all sooooooo farking unfriendly???? No wonder so many of my friends had a shit time in America and wanna go back to Malaysia so badly. With this shit weather, these shit ppl, this shit place, who da hell dun wanna go back???
damn depressed when i got here to Boston. STILL damn depressed actually. Then i found i LOST my Ipod charger so i had to go to a Mac store. I had a BADDDDDDDDD ass feelin i was gonna buy a Nano iPod by the end of the day, AND I DID! hehe. And guess what???? I INSTANTANEOUSLY felt HAPPYYYYYYYY *wuahahahahahhahahaha*
3rd October 2005; DAY IN HISTORY: Elaine Loh FINALLY has worked ONE DAY in her damn 23 years of life! geez.
I hate to say this but I do like him. And I�m really sad cause he has not replied my email yet and it�s already been a week. I�m really sad. I really hope he will reply again. I really like him�.